
Erlang Memory Mapped Files

APACHE-2.0 License


Erlang MMAP emmap

This Erlang library implements an ability to use memory map files in the memory of the Erlang virtual machine. It offers three sets of functions to implement:

  1. Generic read/write access to memory mapped files.
  2. Persistent atomic integer counters supporting basic arithmetic and logical operators.
    This feature is an enhancement of the
    Erlang's atomic counters, by adding more
    atomic operations (e.g. xchg, cas, and, or, and xor) for the counters, as well as
    adding counter persistence.
  3. Persistent FIFO queue.
  4. Persistent storage for fixed-size data blocks.


Supported Platforms

Linux, MacOS

NOTE: On MacOS emmap:resize/2 is not supported, it will return {error, fixed_size}.

Basic Usage

The basic usage is

{ok, Mem, _Info} = emmap:open("filename", [read, shared, direct]),
{ok, Binary}     = file:pread(Mem, 100, 40),
ok = file:close(Mem).

The open options is a list containing zero or more options.

From this point, Mem can be used either with the file or with the emmap functions interchangeably:

  • {ok, Binary} = file:pread(Mem, Position, Length) read Length bytes at Position in the file.
  • ok = file:pwrite(Mem, Position, Binary) writes to the given position.
  • {ok, Binary} = file:read(Mem, Length) read 1..Length bytes from current position, or return
    eof if pointer is at end of file.
  • {ok, Pos} = file:position(Mem, Where) see file:position/2 documentation.
  • ok = file:close(Mem)

All read/write functions invoke NIFs that don't call any IO functions but rather access memory via calls to memcpy(2), and persistence is achieved by relying on the OS implementation of saving dirty memory pages to files.

A memory map can be closed either by calling emmap:close/1 or file:close/1. When using the direct option, and emmap:close/1 is called, the memory map is not immediately closed, but will get automatically closed when all binaries that reference this memory map are garbage collected.

Atomic operations on the memory mapped file

The emmap application offers a way to do atomic add, sub, xchg, cas as well as bitwise and, or, xor operations using emmap:patomic_*/3 and emmap:patomic_cas/4 functions.

Effectively this directly changes the content of the underlying memory, is thread-safe, and persistent.

{ok, OldValue} = emmap:patomic_add(Mem, Position, 1).

This approach allows to implement persistent atomic counters that survive node restarts.

Atomic persistent counters

The emmap application allows a user to maintain atomic persistent counters. This could be useful for continuous numbering of some events in the system which could be efficiently shared among Erlang or OS processes in a thread-safe way and at the same time being persistent. This is a very light-weight approach compared to using mnesia or other form of persistent storage.

Here is an example:

F  = emmap:open_counters("/tmp/mem.bin", 2),
N1 = emmap:inc_counter(F, 0),
N2 = emmap:inc_counter(F, 0, 5),
N3 = emmap:inc_counter(F, 0),
N4 = emmap:inc_counter(F, 0, 2),
N5 = emmap:set_counter(F, 0, 15),
N6 = emmap:read_counter(F, 0),
io_format("N1=~w, N2=~w, N3=~w, N4=~w, N5=~w, N6=~w\n",
          [N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6]).  % Prints: N1=0, N2=1, N3=6, N4=7, N5=9, N6=15

Shared memory and using mutable binaries

While Erlang goes at length to achieve immutability, sometimes applications might need to have access to mutable memory. This can be accomplished by using the direct shared access to the memory mapped file.


shell1> {ok, MM, _Info} = emmap:open("/tmp/mem.data", 0, 8, [create, direct, read, write, shared, nolock]).
shell2> {ok, MM, _Info} = emmap:open("/tmp/mem.data", 0, 8, [create, direct, read, write, shared, nolock]).

shell1> emmap:pwrite(MM, 0, <<"test1">>).
shell2> {ok, Bin} = emmap:pread(MM, 0, 5).
{ok, <<"test1">>}

shell1> emmap:pwrite(MM, 0, <<"test2">>).
shell2> Bin.

shell1> emmap:pwrite(MM, 0, <<"test3">>).
shell2> Bin.

Though this may seem odd that a bound Bin variable returns a different value when we printed it in the shell2 the second time, it is the result of opening memory mapped file using the direct option. In this case the binaries read from memory map point to the actual memory in that map rather than being copies of that memory. For some applications, such as when using that memory to store atomic counters, this property can be very valuable.

Using the option direct has the effect that the mmap file is not closed until all references to binaries coming out of read/pread have been garbage collected. This is a consequence of that such binaries are referring directly to the mmap'ed memory.

When passing auto_unlink option to emmap:open/4, the memory mapped file will be automatically deleted when it is closed.

Shared memory without using mutable binaries

This example preserves the immutability of binaries but allows emmap to have visibility of memory changes between Erlang processes and also between OS processes.

$ erl -pa _build/default/lib/emmap/ebin
eshell#1> {ok, F, _} = emmap:open("/tmp/q.bin", 0, 128, [auto_unlink, shared, create, read,

$ erl -pa _build/default/lib/emmap/ebin
eshell#2> {ok, F, _} = emmap:open("/tmp/q.bin", 0, 128, [auto_unlink, shared, create, read,

eshell#1> emmap:pwrite(F, 0, <<"abcdefg\n">>).

eshell#2> emmap:pread(F, 0, 8). % Changes in eshell#1 are visible in eshell#2
{ok, <<"abcdefg\n">>}

$ head -1 /tmp/q.bin            # They are also visible in another OS process reading from file

Here it is without the shared option:

$ erl -pa _build/default/lib/emmap/ebin
eshell#1> emmap:close(F).
eshell#1> f(F), {ok, F, _} = emmap:open("/tmp/q.bin", 0, 128, [auto_unlink, create, read,

--> s        % Start a new shell process inside the same Erlang VM
--> c 2      % Connect to the new shell
eshell#2> f(F), {ok, F, _} = emmap:open("/tmp/q.bin", 0, 128, [auto_unlink, create, read,

--> c 1      % Switch back to the 1st shell
eshell#1> emmap:pwrite(F, 0, <<"1234567\n">>).

--> c 2      % Switch to the 2st shell

eshell#2> emmap:pread(F, 0, 8).
{ok,<<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>}    % changes from shell1 are invisible in the shell2 Erlang process

# Run this in another terminal
$ head -1 /tmp/q.bin        # returns no data because changes in shell1 are invisible

Persistent FIFO used as a container or guarded by a gen_server process

The emmap_queue module implements a persistent FIFO queue based on a memory-mapped file. This means that in-memory operations of enqueuing items are automatically persisted on disk.

A queue used as a container will persistent messages stored in queue on disk, and has constant time complexity of the push and pop operations. The open/3 is given an initial storage in bytes, which will automatically grow unless the fixed_size option is provided, in which case when the queue becomes full, a push/2 call will return {error, full}. In the example below we are using auto_unlink option which automatically deletes the memory mapped file at the end of the test case (something you might not want in other cases):

{ok, Q} = emmap_queue:open(Filename, 1024, [auto_unlink]),
ok = emmap_queue:push(Q, a),
ok = emmap_queue:push(Q, {b,1}),
ok = emmap_queue:push(Q, {c,d}),

a     = emmap_queue:pop(Q),
{b,1} = emmap_queue:pop(Q),
{c,d} = emmap_queue:pop(Q),
nil   = emmap_queue:pop_and_purge(Q).

Use emmap_queue:pop_and_purge/1 to reclaim the space in memory when the queue becomes empty.

When a queue is wrapped in a gen_server, it is suitable for use in a multi-process use cases. This is implemented using emmap_queue:start_link/4,emmap_queue:enqueue/2, and emmap_queue:dequeue/1 functions. In the example below we are using the auto_unlink option which automatically deletes the memory mapped file at the end of the test case (something you might not want in other cases):

{ok, Pid} = emmap_queue:start_link(?MODULE, Filename, 1024, [auto_unlink]),
ok = emmap_queue:enqueue(Pid, a),
ok = emmap_queue:enqueue(Pid, {b,1}),
ok = emmap_queue:enqueue(Pid, {c,d}),

a     = emmap_queue:dequeue(Pid),
{b,1} = emmap_queue:dequeue(Pid),
{c,d} = emmap_queue:dequeue(Pid),
nil   = emmap_queue:dequeue(Pid).

Persistent storage for fixed-size data blocks

The purpose is to store, read, and remove arbitrary data blocks of a fixed size. Each block of data stored has a unique integer address (internally translated into an offset from the beginning of the memory-mapped file). Persistent storage tries to reuse a free block closest to the file start or allocate a new block when needed. The file may be automatically resized (expanded) when required.

To start using a memory-mapped file as a storage call emmap:init_block_storage/2 providing emmap handler and block size (it will be saved in the storage header).

  % open underlying memory-mapped file
  {ok, MFile, Info} = emmap:open("storage.bin", 0, 4096, [create, write, shared]),

  % init block storage of the fixed block size
  ok = emmap:init_block_storage(MFile, 22),

When opening an existing file, it may be possible that it was left in an inconsistent state in case of abnormal termination of the program modifying it. To ensure consistency, call emmap:repair_block_storage/1 to check and fix the file at once, or repeatedly call emmap:repair_block_storage/3. The latter version with continuation is recommended for relatively big storages, to avoid long-running NIF calls. The repair operation checks (and fixes) inconsistency between "free blocks" and "used blocks" masks in the internal tree-like representation.

repair_chunks(MFile, N) ->
  repair_chunks(MFile, 0, N).

repair_chunks(_MFile, eof, _) ->
repair_chunks(MFile, Start, N) ->
  Cont = emmap:repair_block_storage(MFile, Start, N),
  repair_chunks(MFile, Cont, N).

To read all blocks, use emmap:read_blocks/1, or emmap:read_blocks/3 for reads with continuation, limiting the number of blocks read in one shot, to avoid long-running NIF calls.

  List = emmap:read_blocks(MFile),


read_chunks(MFile, N) ->
  read_chunks(MFile, 0, N, []).

read_chunks(_MFile, eof, _, Acc) ->
read_chunks(MFile, Start, N, Acc) ->
  {L, Cont} = emmap:read_blocks(MFile, Start, N),
  read_chunks(MFile, Cont, N, [L | Acc]).

The function emmap:read_block/2 reads the block at the given address, emmap:store_block/2 writes the data block into the storage, and emmap:free_block/2 deletes the block at the given address.

  Addr = emmap:store_block(MFile, Data),
  Bytes = emmap:read_block(MFile, Addr),
  emmap:free_block(MFile, Addr),

The storage capacity is limited by internal organization. It depends on the number of tree levels, and can be configured by defining the environment variable BS_LEVELS. The maximum number of stored blocks is 64 ^ BS_LEVELS. The default BS_LEVELS value is 3, so the default capacity is 64 * 64 * 64 = 262144 blocks.

An attempt to store a block will return {error, full} when the storage has no free slots.

The result of freeing a block is true on success, false if there is no block with the given address found, or {error, Reason} for common emmap error cases.

The read_block/2 returns bytes, eof when no block exists at the given address or common error.

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