
A flexible tool for configuring multiple emulators simultaneously.



A flexible tool for configuring multiple emulators simultaneously. Written in C++ with SDL and AngelScript.


As some of the dependencies are not in the Debian repositories, getting dependencies is a little bit complicated. To solve that, I've written a short Bash script named "" that does everything for you, including install AngelScript. You can run it with ./get_dependencies.

OR, If you want it install everything yourself, you'll need these dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libboost-filesystem-dev

You'll also need AngelScript, which is inconveniently absent from the Debian repositories! At the time of writing, the newest version is 2.26.1.

After all that's over, just run make. The resulting binary is named es-config, and is not copied anywhere.


Command line arguments (all paths must be absolute: ~ is not expanded):

--scriptdir [path]				search for scripts at [path]
--resourcedir [path]			load images, etc from [path]
--settings [path] 				load settings from this file
--configpath [from] [to]	redirect config output [from] to [to]
--help			    	pierce the heavens

Currently, ES-config uses the following resource files (expected to be located in ./resources, but changable with --resourcedir):

checked.png - icon for selected in emulator list
unchecked.png - icon for unselected in emulator list
done.png - icon for input configured
notdone.png - icon for input unconfigured
font.ttf - font used throughout
controllers/360esque.png - controller image
controllers/360esque.xml - controller image path and button location definitions

F4 will close the application if it hasn't frozen.


You can set most of the command line arguments (as well as some extra settings) from an XML file, loaded with --settings path/to/file.


<!-- Redirect the "retroarch.cfg" file to the config folder... -->
<changeConfigPath from="retroarch.cfg" to="/home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg" />

This is still a work-in-progress!
