
ESPHome approach on ITHO EcoFan control through 868 MHz ESP8266 for


Controlling ITHO Mechanical Ventilation

:alert: This repository was updated after too many years of being stale :alert:

I've removed everything that wasn't working any more and provided a more clear way how to add this.

For previous notes, please dive into the older commits :)


  • An ESP8266 (or compatible)
  • A C1101 board (including coil)
  • Some tinkering see Mechanics
  • Manually placing some files inside of Home Assistants /config/esphome directory

How-to using Home Assistant

Ensure you have the hardware ready (Mechanics) and the esphome add-on installed

  • Copy the directory structure of config into HA's /config (or manually ensure you have the dir ITHO and it contents present in /config/esphome and start configuring from the UI
  • See the sample contents in /config/esphome/itho.yaml for some idea of what is neccesary (obviously needs keys and secrets changed)
  • Build and install on the ESP of you choice from Home Assistant
  • Go into HA, choose integrations and add your ITHO (it should auto-discover it).
  • If everything goes well, you'll see switch.fansend... and quiet a few others popping up.
  • Enjoy!

Current status:

  • Sending High/Medium/Low and the Timers work
  • Reading state and indicative time (not counting down (yet) - should HA or ESPhome do that?)

ESPHome ITHO control

Trying to get ESPHome to mimic what is comprised in


Wiring schema used

Connections between the CC1101 and the ESP8266 or Arduino:
CC11xx pins    ESP pins Arduino pins  Description
*  1 - VCC        VCC      VCC           3v3
*  2 - GND        GND      GND           Ground
*  3 - MOSI       13=D7    Pin 11        Data input to CC11xx
*  4 - SCK        14=D5    Pin 13        Clock pin
*  5 - MISO/GDO1  12=D6    Pin 12        Data output from CC11xx / serial clock from CC11xx
*  6 - GDO2       04=D2    Pin  2        Programmable output
*  7 - GDO0       ?        Pin  ?        Programmable output
*  8 - CSN        15=D8    Pin 10        Chip select / (SPI_SS)
