
Easy to use and flexible math expression parser / evaluator in a one file header only

MIT License



EzExpr is a easy to use and flexible expression parser / evaluator in a one file header only style for cpp11 at least

Quick Start

ez::Expr ev;
auto result0 = ev.parse("x + 2.5 * d").set("x", 0.5).set("d", 1.5).eval().getResult();
auto result1 = ev.set("x", 10.5).eval().getResult();
auto result2 = ev.set("d", 2.5).eval().getResult();
ez::Expr ev;
ev.addFunction("fma", [](double a, double b, double c) { return a*b+c; }); // ternary function
auto result0 = ev.parse("floor(fma(x,y,k))").set("x", 0.5).set("y", 1.5).set("k", 3.2).eval().getResult();


  • Modern use
  • One header file only
  • Parsing and evaluation on separated calls
  • User can easily add their custom Unary/Binary/Ternary Function
  • Cpp11 compatible at least
  • Can identify and return to user the variables
  • Many exceptions are emited for many not conformant issue during parsing and during evaluation
  • Use their own String class for faster response
  • all numbers and computation are in double precision


+ - * / ^ % 
! (factorielle : N!)


  • pi
  • e

Unary function

  • abs, floor, ceil, round, fract, sign
  • sin, cos, tan
  • asin, acos, atan
  • sinh, cosh, tanh
  • asinh, acosh, atanh
  • ln, log, log1p, logb, log2, log10
  • exp
  • sqrt

Binary function

  • mod, atan2, min, max, step, hypot, smoothabs

Ternary function

  • clamp, mis, smoothstep (glsl functions)
  • saturate, lerp (hlsl functions)