
Falcon: Fast-Fourier Lattice-based Compact Signatures over NTRU - NIST PQC Digital Signature Algorithm

CC0-1.0 License


Warning This implementation is not yet audited. If you consider using it in production, be careful !


Fast Fourier Lattice-based Compact Signatures over NTRU - NIST PQC Digital Signature Algorithm


Falcon is one of those post-quantum digital signature algorithms ( DSA ), which are selected by NIST for standardization purpose. Falcon is a hash-and-sign lattice-based signature scheme, built on top of NTRU lattices. Falcon signature scheme can be described with following

FALCON = GPV Framework + NTRU Lattices + Fast Fourier Sampling

Falcon DSA offers following algorithms

  • Keypair generation
  • Signing of message
  • Verification of signature
Algorithm Input Output What does it do ?
keygen Public key and Private key Generates a new keypair by solving NTRU equation.
sign Private key, M -bytes message Compressed Signature Given private key and a message, this routine signs message using Falcon Tree and ffSampling, while finally generating compressed signature bytes.
verify Public key, M -bytes message and compressed signature Boolean flag denoting success ( true ) or failure ( false ) case of signature verification procedure Given public key, a message ( which was signed ) and respective compressed signature, this routine verifies signature, returning truth value in case of successful signature verification.

Here I'm maintaining a header-only C++ library implementing Falcon512 and Falcon1024 post-quantum digital signature algorithms, which is fairly easy to use, see below.

Falcon specification, which I thoroughly followed during this work, can be found @ https://falcon-sign.info/falcon.pdf. I suggest you go through that for having an in-depth understanding of Falcon DSA.


  • A C++ compiler with support for C++20 standard library.
$ clang++ -v
Ubuntu clang version 17.0.2 (1~exp1ubuntu2.1)
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/bin

$ g++ -v
gcc version 13.2.0 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 
  • System development utilities such as make, cmake
$ make --version
GNU Make 4.3

$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.27.4
  • Falcon key generation algorithm requires us to solve NTRU equation ( see equation 3.15 of Falcon specification ) which needs arbitrary precision integer ( i.e. big integer ) arithmetic support. For that purpose I use GNU MP library's C++ interface. Find more @ https://gmplib.org/manual. Install GMP header files and library using following commands.
sudo apt-get install -y libgmp-dev # On Ubuntu/ Debian
brew install gmp                   # On MacOS

[!NOTE] If you are on a machine running GNU/Linux kernel and you want to obtain CPU cycle count for DSA routines, you should consider building google-benchmark library with libPFM support, following https://gist.github.com/itzmeanjan/05dc3e946f635d00c5e0b21aae6203a7, a step-by-step guide. Find more about libPFM @ https://perfmon2.sourceforge.net.

[!TIP] Git submodule based dependencies will generally be imported automatically, but in case that doesn't work, you can manually initialize and update them all by issuing $ git submodule update --init from inside the root of this repository.


For ensuring functional correctness of Falcon implementation ( along with its components such as NTRUGen, NTRUSolve, samplerZ or ffSampling etc. ) issue

[!CAUTION] This implementation of Falcon DSA is not yet tested to be conformant with NIST submission of Falcon - that's because I've not yet tested it with Known Answer Tests which are present in Falcon submission package.

make -j
[14/14] Falcon.KeygenSignVerify (4572 ms)
       4 ms: build/test.out Falcon.PolynomialSplitAndMergeInFFTDomain
       4 ms: build/test.out Falcon.SignatureDecompression
       4 ms: build/test.out Falcon.PolynomialArithmeticInFFTDomain
       5 ms: build/test.out Falcon.Falcon512SamplerZKnownAnswerTests
       5 ms: build/test.out Falcon.Falcon1024SamplerZKnownAnswerTests
      10 ms: build/test.out Falcon.EncodeDecodePublicKey
      13 ms: build/test.out Falcon.NumberTheoreticTransform
    3077 ms: build/test.out Falcon.SignatureCompression
    3227 ms: build/test.out Falcon.KeyGeneration
    3249 ms: build/test.out Falcon.NTRUGen
    3718 ms: build/test.out Falcon.ArithmeticOverZq
    4258 ms: build/test.out Falcon.FastFourierSampling
    4272 ms: build/test.out Falcon.EncodeDecodeSecretKey
    4572 ms: build/test.out Falcon.KeygenSignVerif


For benchmarking Falcon{512, 1024} key generation, signing and verification algorithms, given fixed length message of 32B, issue

make benchmark -j  # If you haven't built google-benchmark library with libPFM support.
make perf -j       # If you have built google-benchmark library with libPFM support.

[!CAUTION] You must disable CPU frequency scaling during benchmarking; see this guide on how to do that.

[!NOTE] make perf -j - was issued when collecting following benchmarks. Notice, cycles column, denoting cost of executing Falcon signature scheme routines in terms of elapsed CPU cycles. Follow this for more details.

On 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1260P

Compiled with gcc version 13.2.0 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3).

$ uname -srm
Linux 6.5.0-14-generic x86_64
Running ./build/perf.out
Run on (16 X 4670.99 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 48 KiB (x8)
  L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x8)
  L2 Unified 1280 KiB (x8)
  L3 Unified 18432 KiB (x1)
Load Average: 1.38, 1.19, 0.94
Benchmark                                   Time             CPU   Iterations     CYCLES items_per_second
falcon_sign_single<512>/32_mean           320 us          320 us           16   1.46016M       3.12457k/s
falcon_sign_single<512>/32_median         319 us          319 us           16   1.46034M       3.13373k/s
falcon_sign_single<512>/32_stddev        5.89 us         5.81 us           16   1.77985k        53.8792/s
falcon_sign_single<512>/32_cv            1.84 %          1.81 %            16      0.12%            1.72%
falcon_sign_single<512>/32_min            313 us          313 us           16   1.45564M       2.93297k/s
falcon_sign_single<512>/32_max            341 us          341 us           16   1.46261M       3.19922k/s
falcon_sign_single<1024>/32_mean          650 us          650 us           16   2.97417M       1.53905k/s
falcon_sign_single<1024>/32_median        650 us          650 us           16   2.97525M       1.53914k/s
falcon_sign_single<1024>/32_stddev       3.76 us         3.73 us           16   10.1068k        8.93083/s
falcon_sign_single<1024>/32_cv           0.58 %          0.57 %            16      0.34%            0.58%
falcon_sign_single<1024>/32_min           638 us          638 us           16    2.9391M       1.52263k/s
falcon_sign_single<1024>/32_max           657 us          657 us           16    2.9869M       1.56801k/s
falcon_verify<512>/32_mean               20.3 us         20.3 us           16   93.7515k       49.4226k/s
falcon_verify<512>/32_median             19.8 us         19.8 us           16   92.2862k       50.4788k/s
falcon_verify<512>/32_stddev             1.13 us         1.13 us           16   4.42223k       2.59822k/s
falcon_verify<512>/32_cv                 5.58 %          5.58 %            16      4.72%            5.26%
falcon_verify<512>/32_min                19.3 us         19.3 us           16   90.3351k       43.9262k/s
falcon_verify<512>/32_max                22.8 us         22.8 us           16   105.756k       51.8446k/s
falcon_keygen<1024>_mean              2081521 us      2081348 us           16   9.42315G       0.494535/s
falcon_keygen<1024>_median            2123409 us      2123208 us           16   9.49366G       0.470987/s
falcon_keygen<1024>_stddev             285936 us       285905 us           16   1.28563G        0.11184/s
falcon_keygen<1024>_cv                  13.74 %         13.74 %            16     13.64%           22.62%
falcon_keygen<1024>_min               1106142 us      1106067 us           16   5.13248G       0.398895/s
falcon_keygen<1024>_max               2507137 us      2506923 us           16    11.619G       0.904104/s
falcon_verify<1024>/32_mean              44.4 us         44.4 us           16   207.814k       22.6869k/s
falcon_verify<1024>/32_median            43.4 us         43.4 us           16   203.196k       23.0538k/s
falcon_verify<1024>/32_stddev            3.99 us         4.00 us           16   18.6401k       1.85145k/s
falcon_verify<1024>/32_cv                9.00 %          9.01 %            16      8.97%            8.16%
falcon_verify<1024>/32_min               39.6 us         39.6 us           16   185.304k       18.2602k/s
falcon_verify<1024>/32_max               54.8 us         54.8 us           16    256.56k       25.2763k/s
falcon_sign_many<512>/32_mean             240 us          240 us           16   1.12495M       4.16211k/s
falcon_sign_many<512>/32_median           240 us          240 us           16   1.12495M        4.1627k/s
falcon_sign_many<512>/32_stddev         0.294 us        0.293 us           16   1.31681k        5.07456/s
falcon_sign_many<512>/32_cv              0.12 %          0.12 %            16      0.12%            0.12%
falcon_sign_many<512>/32_min              240 us          240 us           16     1.123M       4.15473k/s
falcon_sign_many<512>/32_max              241 us          241 us           16   1.12706M       4.16936k/s
falcon_keygen<512>_mean                347534 us       347505 us           16   1.60853G        2.93599/s
falcon_keygen<512>_median              354691 us       354665 us           16   1.62563G         2.8202/s
falcon_keygen<512>_stddev               40624 us        40623 us           16   184.086M        0.53753/s
falcon_keygen<512>_cv                   11.69 %         11.69 %            16     11.44%           18.31%
falcon_keygen<512>_min                 203496 us       203479 us           16   952.046M        2.60755/s
falcon_keygen<512>_max                 383506 us       383502 us           16   1.75497G        4.91452/s
falcon_sign_many<1024>/32_mean            484 us          484 us           16   2.24619M       2.06551k/s
falcon_sign_many<1024>/32_median          484 us          484 us           16   2.24591M       2.06678k/s
falcon_sign_many<1024>/32_stddev         1.26 us         1.26 us           16   4.07933k        5.36503/s
falcon_sign_many<1024>/32_cv             0.26 %          0.26 %            16      0.18%            0.26%
falcon_sign_many<1024>/32_min             482 us          482 us           16   2.24036M       2.05496k/s
falcon_sign_many<1024>/32_max             487 us          487 us           16   2.25521M        2.0733k/s


falcon is a minimal, header-only C++ library which is pretty easy to use.

  1. Clone Falcon repository
  2. Fetch sha3 git submodule dependency, see here
  3. Install GNU MP, see here
  4. Write program which makes use of Falcon key generation/ signing/ verification API, while including include/falcon.hpp and using functions living inside falcon:: namespace.
  5. Finally when compiling program, let your compiler know where it can find Falcon, Sha3 and GMP headers along with libraries while passing proper flags to linker, see this build recipe.

Following namespaces are of your interest.

Namespace Header What can it do for you ?
falcon:: include/falcon.hpp Includes key generation, signing and verification algorithm definitions. Just including this header should give you access to almost all namespaces
falcon_utils:: include/utils.hpp Can help you in compile-time computing length of Falcon{512, 1024} public/ private key and signature.
decoding:: include/decoding.hpp Holds definitions for decoding public key, private key and compressed signature.

Using Falcon DSA API

  • First step in using Falcon DSA is generating a new keypair.

Note Generated keypair is encoded as byte array, so one may just write it to a file.

// Falcon512 key generation

#include "falcon.hpp"

constexpr size_t N = 512;

uint8_t pkey[falcon_utils::compute_pkey_len<N>()]{};
uint8_t skey[falcon_utils::compute_skey_len<N>()]{};

falcon::keygen<N>(pkey, skey);
  • Once keypairs are generated they can be used for signing messages. There are broadly two scenarios related to signing

    • Private key is loaded from disk to sign a single message.
    • Private key is loaded from disk and kept in handy format so that many consecutive messages can be signed.
  • Let's take the first scenario, where only one message needs to signed. In this case private key will be first loaded from disk and decoded into three polynomials f, g and F. Then NTRU equation will be used for recomputing value of polynomial G. These four polynomils will be used for computing a 2x2 matrix B ( in its FFT representation ) s.t. $B_{2*2} = [[g, -f], [G, -F]]$ and a Falcon Tree T ( also in its FFT representation ). Now we're ready to sign the message.

// Falcon512 sign single message

#include "falcon.hpp"

constexpr size_t N = 512;
prng::prng_t rng;

uint8_t msg[32];
uint8_t sig[falcon_utils::compute_sig_len<N>()]{};

rng.read(msg, sizeof(msg));
const bool _signed = falcon::sign<N>(skey, msg, sizeof(msg), sig);

  • If interested in signing many messages, one after another, then it's a better idea to precompute 2x2 matrix B and Falcon Tree T from private key.
// Falcon512 sign many messages

#include "falcon.hpp"

constexpr size_t N = 512;
prng::prng_t rng;

int32_t f[N];            
int32_t g[N];
int32_t F[N];
int32_t G[N];
fft::cmplx B[2 * 2 * N];
fft::cmplx T[(1ul << log2<N>()) * (log2<N>() + 1)];

const bool _decoded = decoding::decode_skey<N>(skey, f, g, F);

falcon::recompute_G<N>(f, g, F, G);
falcon::compute_matrix_B<N>(f, g, F, G, B);
falcon::compute_falcon_tree<N>(B, T);

uint8_t msg[32];
uint8_t sig[falcon_utils::compute_sig_len<N>()]{};

rng.read(msg, sizeof(msg));
falcon::sign<N>(B, T, msg, msglen, sig, rng);
  • The remaining part of using Falcon DSA is verifying signature using public key.
// Falcon512 signature verification

#include "falcon.hpp"

constexpr size_t N = 512;

const bool _verified = falcon::verify<N>(pkey, msg, msglen, sig);

I strongly advise you to go through following examples demonstrating usage of Falcon key generation/ signing/ verification API.

Here's an example showing how to compile and run these examples.

$ clang++ -std=c++20 -Wall -O3 -march=native -mtune=native -I include/ -I sha3/include/ examples/sign_one.cpp -lgmpxx -lgmp && ./a.out

Falcon512 (Sign Single Message)

Public Key : 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
Secret Key : 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
Message    : a44b43d0d942cb65bf9f0800b7ac1de17ca6d7ba7cb96044f9320725238e10f8
Signature  : 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
Verified    : true