


  • šŸ‘‹ Hi, Iā€™m Zain-ul-din
  • Rank : " Student "

I like my code to be elegant and efficient. The logic should be straightforward to make it hard for bugs to hide, the dependencies minimal to ease maintenance, error handling completeaccording to an articulated strategy, and performance close tooptimal so as not to temptpeople to make the code messy with unprincipled optimizations. Clean code does one thing well.


Clone Repo and compile index.cpp


Tic Tac Toc Game in C++

A Tic Tac Toc game implemented in C++. This game uses the C++11 standard.


This game requires a C++11 compliant compiler. You can check if your compiler supports C++11 by checking if __cplusplus is defined as 201103L or greater.

Included Libraries

  • <iostream> for standard input and output.
  • <string> for standard string operations.
  • <vector> for dynamic arrays.
  • <algorithm> for the standard algorithm library.
  • <cmath> for math functions.
  • <windows.h> for Windows API functions such as keyboard button clicks.
  • <conio.h> for the getch() function to get a character from the keyboard.
  • <thread> for C++11 multi-threading and thread sleep.
  • <chrono> for C++ system time.
  • <functional> for C++11 functions.


  • Event: a custom event handler class that triggers an action when something happens and can have multiple subscribers
  • InputManager: a class that manages input from the user
  • GameRenderer: a class that renders the game map, player UI, etc.
  • GameManager: a class that manages the game state and logic


  • DEFAULT_BOX: the character to use for an empty box in the game map
  • PLAYER1_BOX: the character to use for player 1's box in the game map
  • PLAYER2_BOX: the character to use for player 2's box in the game map
  • CURSOR: the character to use for the cursor in the game map
  • _CH_: a macro for calling the getch() function
  • CLS: a macro for calling the clearScreen() function


  • PlayerTurn: an enum to represent the current player's turn


To use this game, compile and run the code using a C++11 compliant compiler. The game will display the game map and allow the user to move the cursor and fill boxes using the keyboard. The game ends when a player wins or it ends in a draw.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.