
FLTK image toolkit for some useful effects

OTHER License



  • A small library for FLTK image toolkit.
  • Designed to use some useful effects in FLTK GUI.
  • Better image, better speed, better quality.

Lastest update

  • 2021-05-24
    1. Now supporting 1 or 2 depth Fl_RGB_Image.
    2. Version updated to
    3. debugging required

Previous updates

  • 2021-05-17
    1. Fixed rotate180() only woks for depth 3 (RGB bug fixed)
    2. Fixed invert() works for alpha channel (RGBA bug fixed)
    3. Fixed Reinhard affected by alpha channel.
    4. Version updated to
  • 2021-05-11
    1. Reinhard tone mapping OpenMP performance issue fixed, now 10x faster than before.
    2. Version updated to
    3. notice: g++ OpenMP must be supported reduction().
  • 2021-02-08
    1. Fixed tone mapping images not returns with FLIMGTK_IMGBUFF_OWNALLOC flag.
    2. Fixed Drago (Logmapping) HDR color correction issue.
    3. Version updated to
  • 2021-01-21
    1. Fixed some OpenMP errors, ehanced for compatibility.
    2. Fixed error of flipping.
    3. Replaced draw smooth line algorithm to "SDF optimization with AABB".
    4. Some detour inline functions for MSVC ...
    5. Version updated to
  • 2021-01-20
    1. Some enhancements for MSVC OpenMP compatibility.
    2. Fixed drawing polygon errors in alpha-depth RGB buffer.
    3. Fixed typo error in OpenMP, also fixed OpenMP compatibilities including tonemaps and CLAHE.
    4. All created Fl_RGB_Image now alloc_array member set to 1 by FLIMGTK_IMGBUFF_OWNALLOC flag.
    5. Now it should be safe by call delete instead using discard_user_rgb_image().
    6. MSVC OpenMP only availed for Release. ( changing project is own-risk, it doesn't made for MSVC )
    7. Still smooth_line has some thickness error by starting x1 less than x2 coordination.
    8. Version updated to
  • 2020-12-15-1
    1. Fixed color space error on drago HDR.
    2. Version updated to
  • 2020-04-28-1
    1. Fixed some alpha depth processing routines.
    2. No Fl_Color, use unsigned long for RGBA.
    3. New feature, draw_smooth_line_ex() included.
    4. Version updated to
  • 2019-04-23-2
    1. New feature, draw_rect() and draw_fillrect() included.
    2. Version updated to
  • 2019-04-23-1
    1. Little bug fixed in drawing simple line
    2. Version updated to
  • 2019-04-22-1
    1. Little changes in drawing smooth line.
    2. removed non-affective OpenMP preprocessors.
    3. Version updated to
  • 2018-03-26-1
    1. Fixed a bug of image merging.
    2. fl_drawonimage supports both of rgb and rgba images.
    3. Version updated to
  • 2018-03-21-1
    1. Fixed a bug occurs black line when it turns image to 90 or 240.
    2. Version updated to
  • 2018-02-02-1
    1. Fixed bugs in rotate free to use right degree in 0 to 359.
    2. Version updated to
  • 2017-11-30-1
    1. Fixed bugs in draw_line() and draw_smoothline().
    2. Still left a bug in draw_smoothline() rounding error of y2 coordination.
    3. Version updated to
  • 2017-11-14-1
    1. Fixed a bug in applyaplha_ex().
    2. VisualStudio 2015 project builds target for static build.
    3. Version updated to
  • 2017-11-02-1
    1. Included a drawing function for single line (not aliased)
    2. Version updated to
  • 2017-10-30-2
    1. Enhanced to OpenMP error for reinhard HDR, but running speed gone for slower.
    2. Version updated to
  • 2017-10-30-1
    1. Fixed a bug of color order of makeanempty();
    2. Version updated to
  • 2017-10-13-2
    1. Fixed SIGTRAP occurs when try remove Fl_RGB_Image buffer from got draw_currentwindow();
    2. It seems to a bug of FLTK, by fl_read_image().
    3. Version updated to
  • 2017-10-13-1
    1. Changed sens bit depth in makegradation_h and v.
    2. Version updated to
  • 2017-10-12-1
    1. Fixed a wrong method name, "brightbess_ex" to "brightness_ex".
    2. Added new function for "draw_currentwindow()".
    3. draw_smoothline() now controls with alpha channel.
    4. Version updated to
  • 2017-10-11-1
    1. New method : createBMPmemory(), for create new BMP image from memory.
    2. Version updated to
  • 2017-08-14-1
    1. New method : makeanempty(), for create new image.
  • 2017-08-14-0
    1. Updated header for drawonimage method.
    2. drawonimage condition changed for alpha channel.
  • 2017-08-10-0
    1. Fixed bugs in makegradation_h and v methods.
    2. Now makegradation_h/v() methods support alpha channel.
  • 2017-07-27-0
    1. OpenMP applied drawing to
      • smooth line.
      • polygon.
  • 2017-07-26-0
    1. New functions included !
      • drawing smooth line.
        • drawing polygon.
  • 2017-04-19-0
    1. Fixed wrong pointer addressing in
      • CLAHE();
      • CLAHE_ex();
    2. Added new effect belong to CLAHE.
      • noire();
      • noire_ex();
  • 2017-04-18-0
    1. Added a feature
      • CLAHE();
      • CLAHE_ex();
  • 2017-04-06-0
    1. Bug fixed
      • applyalpha_ex();
  • 2017-04-05-0
    1. New feature
      • invert();
      • invert_ex();
  • 2017-03-31-0
    1. New features
      • makegradation_h();
      • makegradation_v();
    • 2017-03-30-0
      1. New features
        • FL_IMGTK, FL_IMGTK_VERSION definitions
        • fliphorizontal_ex();
        • flipvertical_ex();
        • gamma_ex();
        • brightbess_ex();
        • contrast_ex();
        • blurredimage_ex();
        • filtered_ex();
        • tonemapping_reinhard_ex();
        • tonemapping_drago_ex();
        • subtract();
        • sbutract_ex();
        • applyalpha_ex();
    • 2017-03-29-0
      1. Now supports many drawing image functions.
        • merge();
        • makealphamap();
        • applyalpha();
        • drawonimage();
  • 2017-03-28-0
    1. Cropping image to a new Fl_RGB_Image.
    2. Fixed bugs on Tone mapping (HDR), now it runs well for Drago and Reinhard algorithms.
  • 2017-03-24-0
    1. First commit.
    2. Supporting LLVM-gcc for Apple Mac.

How to build ?

  • Just make a symbolic link from your subsystem
    • ln -s Makefile.gcc Makefile
  • MinGW-W64 or MSYS2 may need to copy Makefile.mingw to Makefile.
    • Eg) MinGW-W64 need do
      cp Makefile.mingw Makefile
  • Then make
  • Or you can use make -f Makefile.xxx

Currently supported

  • OpenMP 3.0 or higher version of gcc, or supported compiler.
    • Notice: M$ Visual Studio not supports unsigned for() loop.
  • Flip Fl_RGB_Image to horizental or vertical.
  • Rotate Fl_RGB_Image to these :
    1. 90, 180, 270 degrees.
    2. Or free degree rotate
  • Fast rescale with fl_smimg, with supporting these:
    1. Box(nearest)
    2. Bilinear
    3. Bicubic
    4. Lanczos
    5. B-Spline
    6. ( and more )
  • Draw Fl_Widget to Fl_RGB_Image.
  • Draw Fl_Widget to blurred Fl_RGB_Image.
    • may useful to make background image.
  • Tone mappings (HDR)
    1. DRAGO algorithm.
    2. REINHARD algorithm.
  • RGB-Color CLAHE ( eCLAHE )
  • Kernel matrix filter ( 3x3 to NxN )
  • Crop Fl_RGB_Image to a new Fl_RGB_Image.
  • Merge two different Fl_RGB_Images to a new one.
  • Make alpha map, and apply to Fl_RGB_Image.
  • Draw Fl_RGB_Image to Fl_RGB_Image, it is same like Mix.
  • Subtracts two Fl_RGB_Image.
  • Make gradation image col1 to col2.

Planned to next features

  • RGB Channel mixing
  • White balancing ( auto, manual )

OpenMP supports

  • fl_imgtk designed for OpenMP 3.x or latest,
  • Some less version of OpenMP cause of build error, or lower performance as lik M$VC.
  • Apple Mac, X-Code may not supports OpenMP, recommend to use HPC-GCC to build library.
    Apple don't need optimizing OpenMP, it's so faster than OpenMP with HPC-GCC in Apple silicon M1.
    Use Apple M1 !
  • To disable using OpenMP, remove -DUSING_OMP and -fopenmp in your customized Makefile.

Supported compiler:

  • gcc, MinGW-W64 ( with OpenMP )
  • llvm-gcc (Apple) x86.64, arm64 ( automatically generates universal binary if your subsystm is arm64 )
  • M$VC with some limited OpenMP ( I don't have plan to use concurrency )

External licenses:

  • FreeImage 3 (many algorithms belongs to this)
  • FLTK License