
BSD-3-CLAUSE License


Flutter Wayland

A Flutter Embedder that talks to Wayland.

Build Setup Instructions

  • Install the following packages (on Debian Stretch): weston, libwayland-dev, cmake and ninja.
  • From the source root mkdir build and move into the directory.
  • cmake -G Ninja ../. This should check you development environment for required packages, download the Flutter engine artifacts and unpack the same in the build directory.
  • ninja to build the embedder.
  • Run the embedder using ./flutter_wayland. Make sure weston is running. See the instructions on running Flutter applications below.

Running Flutter Applications

Flutter Wayland Embedder

Usage: `flutter_wayland <asset_bundle_path> <flutter_flags>`

This utility runs an instance of a Flutter application and renders using
Wayland core protocols.

The Flutter tools can be obtained at https://flutter.io/

asset_bundle_path: The Flutter application code needs to be snapshotted using
                   the Flutter tools and the assets packaged in the appropriate
                   location. This can be done for any Flutter application by
                   running `flutter build bundle` while in the directory of a
                   valid Flutter project. This should package all the code and
                   assets in the "build/flutter_assets" directory. Specify this
                   directory as the first argument to this utility.

    flutter_flags: Typically empty. These extra flags are passed directly to the
                   Flutter engine. To see all supported flags, run
                   `flutter_tester --help` using the test binary included in the
                   Flutter tools.