
Game Framework

MIT License


Game Framework


  • Core

    • Math
    • Event System
    • Job System
    • File serialization
      • Json
      • Binary
  • Platform

    • Input
    • Time
  • Graphics

    • Uniform Buffer
    • Transformations
    • Textures
      • Sampler
    • Basic Materials
    • PBR Materials
    • Cubemaps
      • Reflection
    • Instance Rendering
    • Framebuffers
  • Rendering

    • Models
    • Skybox
    • Sprites
    • Particles
      • Fire
      • Smoke
  • Lighting

    • Diffuse Lighting
    • Specular Lighting
    • Directional Light
    • Point Light
    • Spot Light
    • Shadows
  • Physics

    • Basic Raycasting
      • Plane, Cube, Sphere
  • Animations

    • Skeletal Animation
  • Navigation

    • Pathfinding
      • A* algorithm
    • Basic Navigation
    • Crowd Navigation
      • Formations
  • Behaviours

    • Nodes
    • Blackboard
  • Scene

    • Nodes
      • Components and Behaviours
    • Transform
    • Camera
    • Light
  • Environment

    • Terrain
      • Trees
      • Vegetation
    • Water
      • Lakes, River and Ocean
    • Weather Effects
      • Rain, Lightning
      • Clouds
      • Wind
      • Fog
  • Other

    • Fonts
    • User Interface
      • Label, Buttons, Images
    • 3D Text
    • Deferred Shading
    • Frustum Culling
      • Octree