
Graphics converter for Game Boy Advance

MIT License



Graphics converter for Game Boy Advance




CMake 3.18+

To build in directory build:

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

Install from the built build/ directory to the bin/ directory with cmake --install build.


gfx2agb [<options>] <command> [<command options>]

Where <command> is bitmap.

  -h --help       Print help
  --dump-version  Print version
  --help-formats  Print image format help
  -v --verbose    Verbose logging

  bitmap  Convert an image file to a bitmap

bitmap Options:
  -i --in-image=filepath          Input: image
  -o --out-data=filepath          Output: Binary data
  -p --out-palette-data=filepath  Output: Binary palette data
  -m --mode=integer               GBA bitmap background mode (3, 4, 5) [default: 3]
  -w --width=integer              Bitmap width
  -h --height=integer             Bitmap height
  -f --format=string              Output color format. Use --help-formats to view color format info. [default: g1BGR5]
  -g --gamma=string               Gamma ratio input:output. eg: 2.2:4.0 [default: 2.2:2.2]
  -b --bpp=integer                Palette index bits per pixel [default: 8]
  -c --colors=integer             Maximum colors in the palette
  -d --direction=string           Output stride direction. +x+y describes upper-left row-major. +y-x describes upper-right column-major. [default: +x+y]
  --in-palette=filepath           Input: palette (image, binary, .gpl)
  --out-png=filepath              Output: PNG image
  --out-palette-png=filepath      Output: Palette as PNG image
  --out-palette-gpl=filepath      Output: Palette as GPL file
  --anti-alias                    Apply sub-pixel anti-aliasing


Resize & convert to Mode 3 bitmap

Scales my picture.jpg to 240x160, and output a binary suitable for displaying with Mode 3 graphics.

gfx2agb bitmap -m3 -i "my picture.jpg" -o picture.bin

If we wanted a very smooth result we can use the --anti-alias switch to apply sub-pixel anti-aliasing.

Resize & convert to Mode 4 bitmap with palette

Scales my picture.jpg to 240x160, and output an up-to 256 color palette binary with a corresponding image binary suitable for displaying with Mode 4 graphics.

gfx2agb bitmap -m4 -i "my picture.jpg" -p picture.pal -o picture.bin

Apply AGB001 gamma to an image

Converts my picture.jpg to picture.png, maintains the input width & height, and increases the gamma to 4.0 (roughly matching the AGB001 display).

gfx2agb bitmap -m3 -i "my picture.jpg" --out-png picture.png --width=iw --height=ih --gamma=4.0

This type of image to PNG conversion isn't a recommended use case for gfx2agb, but it is still supported.

Convert to a 64x64 texture

Produces a 64x64 texture that has been oriented to be ideal for texture-mapping with a ray-caster engine.

gfx2agb bitmap -m4 -i "my texture.png" -o texture.bin --width=64 --height=64 --in-palette="my palette.gpl" --direction=+y+x

This resizes my palette.gpl to 64x64, applies the palette my palette.gpl, and outputs the binary texture.bin column-first (+y+x).