
Packet modem for GNU Radio 4.0



gr4-packet-modem is a packet-based modem application that is being implemented from scratch for GNU Radio 4.0. The goal of this project is twofold: it serves as a use case to test and benchmark the GNU Radio 4.0 runtime in a realistic digital communications application, and it provides an example of a full system that users will be able to study and customize to their needs. The modem uses QPSK with RRC pulse-shape, but there are provisions for supporting additional MODCODs. It can work either in burst mode, where a packet is only transmitted when there is data, or in stream mode, where packets are transmitted back-to-back and idle packets are inserted when necessary. The modem can be used for IP communications with a TUN device in Linux. The receiver uses some advanced techniques, such as symbol time and carrier frequency and phase estimation with FFT-based syncword correlation.

Quick start

The following steps run a flowgraph that connects the modem TX to the modem RX through a channel model and provides IP communications through the modem on a single machine using network namespaces. Each of the steps is explained in more details in the rest of the documentation.

In a gr4-packet-modem checkout, run the following to set up the network namespaces and interfaces (see the network namespaces documentation for more details).


Run a Docker image that contains gr4-packet-modem already built.

docker run --rm --net host --user=0 \
    --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \
    --device /dev/net/tun -v /var/run/netns:/var/run/netns \

Start the flowgraph in this root shell in the Docker container.

/home/user/gr4-packet-modem/build/apps/packet_transceiver 20.0 0.005 1.2 0

The arguments indicate an Es/N0 of 20 dB, a carrier frequency error of 0.005 rad/sample, a sampling frequency offset of 1.2 ppm, and burst TX mode. The flowgraph runs at a sample rate of 3.2 Msps, which gives 800 ksyms at 4 samples/symbol.

Optionally, in the gr4-packet-modem checkout in the host run the following to get a Python GUI that displays constellation plots in real time.


Start a ping, by running the following in the host.

sudo ip netns exec gr4_tx ping

Run a TCP iperf3 test by running the following two commands in separate shells in the host.

sudo ip netns exec gr4_rx iperf3 -s
sudo ip netns exec gr4_tx iperf3 -c

Using uncoded QPSK at 800 ksyms, the maximum data rate is 1.6 Mbps. There is some overhead due to headers and silent gaps between some packets, so a data rate of around 1.4 Mbps is expected in iperf3.

Docker images

There are two Docker images that can be useful to develop and run gr4-packet-modem:

  • This image is intended for building, developing and running gr4-packet-modem. It contains all the dependencies needed for building and running the software. It is based on, but it contains additional software.

  • This image is based on and it contains a pre-built gr4-packet-modem in /home/user/gr4-packet-modem/build. It is intended to be used for running gr4-packet-modem, specially in low-end machines where building the software can take a long time. This image is built using Github actions, so the :latest tag always corresponds to the latest gr4-packet-modem main branch.

The Dockerfiles used to build these images are in the docker directory. They are, respectively, Dockerfile and Dockerfile.built. The context for building Dockefile.built needs to be the git checkout directory for gr4-packet-modem, since the whole checkout is added to the image using ADD.

See Docker image usage for instructions about how to run these docker images.


The following build dependencies need to be installed in the system. They are already installed in the Docker images listed above, but may need to be installed in other systems.

  • The Rust toolchain, since gr4-packet-modem uses ldpc-toolbox to decode the LDPC code used in the packet header. The easiest way to install it is with rustup.

  • A modern C++ compiler that can build GNU Radio 4.0. The possible choices are GCC 13, GCC 14 and Clang 18.

  • ZeroMQ. In Ubuntu, install the libzmq3-dev package.

  • SoapySDR. In Ubuntu, install the following packages: libsoapysdr-dev soapysdr-module-all soapysdr-tools.

The gr4-packet-modem repository includes gnuradio4 as a submodule. If you have not cloned the git repository using --recursive, you will need to run git submodule init and git submodule update to checkout the submodule.

gr4-packet-modem is built with CMake. It can be built from a git checkout as follows:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)

Depending on the CPU count and RAM of the machine, there might not be enough RAM to build with $(nproc) processes in parallel, so the -j argument of make might need to be adjusted. It is recommended to have at least 4GB of RAM for each build process.

Most of the blocks have some prints for trace-like debugging that are gated under #ifdef TRACE. Trace printing can be enabled by running cmake like so:

make -j$(nproc)


Design and theory of operation documentation is available in the GNU Radio wiki. There is also a docs directory in the repository that contains more practical information about how to run the modem.

Repository organization

This repository is organized in directories in the following way.

  • apps. This contains several applications, each of which is a flowgraph that gets built to an executable. The applications contain either the TX or the RX part of the modem, or both, in different configurations.

  • benchmarks. This contains some benchmark flowgraphs and benchmark results.

  • blocks. This contains all the GNU Radio 4.0 blocks implemented in this repository. All the blocks are .hpp headers, with one file per block (and another supporting headers which do not define blocks).

  • examples. This contains example flowgraphs. Typically, the examples test or showcase how to use a particular block or technique, without being structured as a proper QA test. Each example is a flowgraph that gets built to an executable.

  • gnuradio4. This is the gnuradio4 repository as a submodule.

  • gr3. This contains supporting files from GNU Radio 3.10. Currently the only thing in this directory is gr3/flowgraphs, which contains some GNU Radio 3.10 flowgraphs that can be used in combination with gr4-packet-modem.

  • python. This contains the Python bindings and some Python unit tests and examples.

  • scripts. Contains some utility scripts.

  • test. Contains QA tests for most of the blocks in the repository. Generally, each QA test puts together and runs a flowgraph where the functionality of a particular block is tested. As in gnuradio4, the tests use boost/ut and are run usting ctest.

Python bindings

gr4-packet-modem includes a proof of concept of Python bindings in GNU Radio 4.0 using pybind11. The basic objects of the GNU Radio 4.0 runtime such as Graph, Scheduler, etc., and all the blocks in gr4-packet-modem are included in these Python bindings.

The Python bindings are built and installed as a regular Python package called gr4_packet_modem. This uses scikit-build-core to build a Python module with CMake.

The Python package can be built and installed from the gr4-packet-modem directory by doing the following.

CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL=4 pip install --break-system-packages .

The value of the CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL environment variable defines the number of jobs that CMake uses in parallel and should be adjusted according to the RAM in the system (a conservative estimate is 4 GiB per job). Note the potential problems associated with --break-system-packages when installing the package in this way.

The pmtv library needs to be built and installed as a Python package using the same compiler and settings that are used to build gr4-packet-modem.

The Docker image already contains pmtv already built with clang and installed. The default CC and CXX environment variables in this image can build a compatible gr4_packet_modem Python package. The Docker image has both pmtv and gr4_packet_modem built and installed.

The examples in python/examples and unit tests in python/test can serve as a guide for how to use the Python bindings.