
A Graph Algorithm Management



GraphAM, a graph platform to provide c++ API to run graph algorithm.It incorporates various high level graph algorithms such as Single Source Shortest Path(SSSP) to deliver high performance experience.


These codes are implemented and tested with cmake>=2.8, boost, glog and gflags with ubuntu16.04, install glog and gflags is rather simple, just use apt-get

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev libboost-all-dev


Single Source Shortest Path

Weakly Connected Component

Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree

Breadth-first search


compile and Install

git clone <this-repository>
cd GraphAM
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4

How to run

Prepare DataSet

vertex file format

# each vertex in one line
# with format: v_id, followd its value
0   10
1   73
2   23
3   8
4   98

edge file format

# Undirected graph
# each edge in one line
# with format: src_id dst_id, followd its value
0   1   28
1   4   38
33  23  22
82  22  11
28  28  10

Run Command

./graph-engine --vfile <path-to-your-point-file> --efile <path-to-your-edge-file> --query <you-algorithm-query> --algo_dynamic_lib <the-dynamic-library-name-of-algorithm> --output <the-result-output-path>

- with sssp algorithm
./graph-engine --vfile ./graph_test/twitter.v --efile ./graph_test/twitter.e --query (4) --algo_dynamic_lib --output ./

Run algorithm test

# make sure you are in build directory

  var dzl = {
    name  : "",
    site : ""