
Repository for ICFPC 2015


Team UNAGI Final Submission @ ICFP Contest 2015


Build & Run

As specified in the problem description, invoke make and play_icfp2015 to build and run.

Solutions are written to the standard output. We may also write some messages to the standard error for debugging purpose, which should be ignored.


We checked that, on plain Ubuntu 14.04, all the dependency is automaticaly installed in Makefile. Just for in case, we list the main dependent packages.

  • The front-end script is written in PHP, and requires PHP.
  • The internal evaluator is written in C++11, and thus requires g++.
  • We use bazel for building C++ programs (e.g., the internal evaluator).
  • The solvers are written in Java and C#, so Java and Mono are also required.


Overall Strategy

We developed two solvers named "wata" and "chokudai". Furthermore, solver "wata" has a few variations. None of them overwhelms the other. Therefore, script "play_icfp2015" executes these solveres in parallel, and then the best solution is selected.

Front-end script

The PHP script play_icfp2015.php, which is called from shell script play_icfp2015, is our front-end script. It executes our solvers in parallel. It collects the solutions of the solvers, and then selects and outputs the best solution using our internal evaluator.


Both solvers use beam searches, but they use different board evaluation functions, as well as spelling strategies.

  • "chokudai" is faster one with wide beam width. It can flexibly adjust its running time by adaptively changing beam width.

  • "wata" is slower one with a clever spelling strategy using dynamic programming. "wata" requires ~2GB memory for conducting large dynamic programming.