
ImPop: Useful utils for Dear ImGui. Includes compile-time palette generation, ConfigMenu, DatePicker, OutlineText, PerfFooter

MIT License



This repository contains useful utilities for Dear ImGui and ImPlot.

ImPop should work in the same environments as ImGui. Care has been taken to use only basic C++11 facilities like constexpr. It avoids the use of the C++ standard library, except for the standalone header impop_ostream.h. Please report any build issues or incompatibilities.


ImPop consists of various (mostly-)independent header files. You can use just the files you need. Use it as a git submodule or copy individual files into your project.

  • ImPop::DatePicker
  • Lightweight config management
  • Color conversion and palette generation
  • ImPop::OutlineText
  • ImPop::PerfFooter: displays performance metrics


The DatePicker from ImPlot, with a simplified interface that maintains the currently browsed (not yet selected) date within ImGui::Storage.

#include "impop_datepicker.h"

// ...

ImPlotTime t; // current value
ImPlotTime default_time = ImPlot::MakeTime(2024, 1, 1);
ImPlotTime min_time = ImPlot::MakeTime(2023, 1, 1);
ImPlotTime max_time = ImPop::LocTimeNow();

if (ImPop::DatePicker("date", &t, &default_time, &min_time, &max_time)) {
    // `t` has been updated

Lightweight config management

Uses ImGui's ini file for application state. Provides a dropdown menu to edit config variables.


Your custom config must be a POD struct containing only a sequence of ImPop::ConfigItem.

The given string will be used as a config key in the ini file, and also as the text for the menu.

#include "impop_config.h"

struct Config {
    ImPop::ConfigItem use_foo_bar{"Use Foo and Bar", true};
    ImPop::ConfigItem baz_coeff{"BazCoefficient (tm)", 3.14f};
    ImPop::ConfigItem count_quux{"Number of Quux", 7};
} config;


Initialize the config manager, and read any stored config values. Note that you must call ImPop::InitializeConfig(config) during a Frame, as it needs to access storage via the current window in the ImGui::Context. As you usually only want to load the ini file once on application startup, setup a frame before entering your main application loop.

#include "impop_config.h"
#include "myconfig.h"

// ...

    //ImGui_Impl*_NewFrame(); // Set the frame dimensions
    ImGui::NewFrame();        // Create a window for GetID()


In your application code, read and write your config values directly from your struct Config:

#include "app_config.h"

if (config.use_foo_bar.bool_value) {
    // Do stuff with foo and bar

int cakes = config.count_quux.int_value * 3; // 3 cakes each

// Update the current estimate
config.baz_coeff.float_value = 3.1417;


Display a menu for setting the config values:

#include "impop_config.h"

if (ImGui::BeginMenu("My Application")) {

Color conversion and palette generation

These are declared constexpr, so they can be used in constructor initializers, or defined statically and evaluated at compile-time.

#include "impop_color.h"

// ...

// Color 
static constexpr ImU32 red = IM_COL32(246, 70, 93, 255);
static constexpr ImU32 orange = IM_COL32(163, 129, 17, 255);
static constexpr ImU32 green = IM_COL32(46, 189, 133, 255);

// Compile-time color conversions
static constexpr ImVec4 red_vec4 = ImPop::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(red);
static constexpr ImVec4 orange_vec4 = ImPop::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(orange);
static constexpr ImVec4 green_vec4 = ImPop::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(green);

// Compile-time palette generation
static constexpr size_t palette_size = 16;
static constexpr ImVec4 color_0 = red_vec4;
static constexpr ImVec4 color_1 = ImPop::AdjustBrightness(orange_vec4, 0.6);
static constexpr ImVec4 color_2 = ImPop::AdjustBrightness(ImPop::AdjustSaturation(green_vec4, 0.8), 0.8);
static constexpr std::array<ImU32, palette_size> traffic_lights =
        ImPop::GeneratePalette<palette_size>(color_0, color_1, color_2);


White text with a black outline.

#include "impop_text.h"


ImPop::OutlineText(draw_list, ImVec2(pos.x, pos.y), "Welcome %s", name);


This provides a handy footer displaying performance metrics:

  • Memory Usage: Arena, Free Space, Allocated Space
  • Memory Fragmentation
  • Current Framerate (FPS)
#include "impop_footer.h"




ImPop is licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt for more information.