
A voxel based slicer for 3D printing on FDM/FFF, binder/powder, SLS printers and laser cutters.

MIT License


Iota v0.3.2b Voxel based Mesh Slicer for Color 3D Printing

Status: compiling and running on all three platforms, first successful prints


Iota is a voxel based slicer that can handle textured meshes for 3d printing. Iota can generate image slices for inkjet/powder based machines, GCode files for color FDM/FFF printing with multiple extruders and mixing extruders, and DXF files for creating stacked models with laser cutters.

Iota will be an easy-to-use system for the colorful future of 3D printing.

First ever Iota generated color printout (XYZPrinting DaVinci Duo, dual extruders) picture alt

Why Voxels

Voxels is short for VOlumetrix piXEL, pixels in 3D space. Iota works by converting 3D vector based models into slices of 2D image data. Multiple slices in Z form a complete voxel model.

Current 3D formats only represent the outer shell of 3D objects. Most formats use triangles or a superset like polygon meshes or lattices. A common alternative, Constructive Solid Geometry, has other limitations.

Voxels represent the entire volume of models, including inside structures, varying materials inside a model, colors and transparencies.


Iota currently generates G-Code files for DaVinci Duo printers with Repetier firmware. If will probably run with little or no modifications on other FDM printers as well.

  • v0.3.2b
    • re-added support to write slices as RGBA images for inkjet printers
  • v0.3.1b
    • added simple material selection for support and model
    • internal restructuring of IAFDMPrinter to eventually allow multithreaded slicing
    • iternal simplifications around properties, controllers, and views
    • linking with Lua as a scripting language
  • v0.3.0b
    • Milestone! implemented support structures for overhangs including parameters
  • v0.2.1b
    • adding dialog to create, edit, and remove custom printers
  • v0.2.0b
    • Milestone! User changable settings for slicing, nice slicing results, complete and good builds
  • v0.1.1b
    • added session seetting for FDM printing parameters
    • improved Versioneer to help build and distribute
    • Cleaned up GCode writer
    • Recent files menu
    • minimum layer time
    • added Skirt option
    • Layer Height and Nozzle Diameter can now be set per scene
  • v0.1.0b
    • Milestone! My first release that earned a whole revision number! It's still beta because
      much of the release process is not yet in place. Nevertheless, this app can read even
      damaged STL files without crashing and convert them into a printable GCode file for
      an average FDM printer
  • v0.0.10a
    • generating lids and bottoms (different lid styles)
    • range slider to better inspect extruder preview
    • converted entire OpenGL based slicing to CPU based slicing for compatibility, less memory
      use, and higher speed.
  • v0.0.9a
    • Iota compiles on MacOS (Xcode), MSWindows (VisualC 2017), and Ubuntu Linux (Code::Blocks)
    • added infill for FDM printouts
    • added inkjet printer slices in png image format
    • added laser cutter dxf slices support
    • added first session prameters
    • starting 3d printer management
  • v0.0.8a
    • implemented some aspects of the future menu system
  • v0.0.7a
    • fixed STL importer to better differentiate binary and ASCII STL files
    • rewrote the mesh fixer to reliably create watertight models every time
    • using half-edges instead of edges to represent triangle meshes
    • remember main window position and size
    • progress bar for slicing
  • v0.0.6a
  • v0.0.5a
    • Iota now compiles on MacOS (Xcode), MSWindows (VisualC 2017), and Ubuntu Linux (Code::Blocks)
  • v0.0.4a
    • mostly cleanup around Fluid view design files and versioning
  • v0.0.3a
    • CGode files print successfully on DaVinci Duo printers with Repetier firmware.
  • v0.0.2a
    • proof of concept, loading STLs and textures, generating pixel slices
  • V0.0.1a
    • initial check-in of concept for a different slicer, aimed at color powder/binder printers