
Application which streams one Kinect user's skeleton coordinates over OSC



This is a simple utility for use with the Kinect. It will track a single user's skeleton and continuously send the coordinates over open sound control (OSC).

A gui gives you the option to toggle sending real-world (3d) coordinates or screen-projected (2d) coordinates or both.

By default, it will stream to port 6448, and the addresses are:

  • /kinect/realworld : real-world coordinates
  • /kinect/screen : screen coordinates

These settings can be edited in the file settings.xml inside the data folder.

release version

A release is available for download in the releases page

building from source

If you want to build this from source, it requires openFrameworks, and the following addons:

Make sure you follow the instructions in ofxOpenNI to include the openni config folder in the data folder of the application, which has been omitted from this repository because of space considerations. If you can't find it, you can download it in the release.