
library for importing functions from dlls in a hidden, reverse engineer unfriendly way

APACHE-2.0 License


lazy importer

A simple and easy to use header only library to make the life of a reverse engineer much harder.

small example

LI_FN(OutputDebugStringA)("hello world");

IDA output when compiling first line


  • Does not leave any strings in memory.
  • Does not allocate any memory.
  • Can be easily inlined.
  • Does not leave any imports in the executable.
  • Produces extremely small assembly.
  • Non caching functions do not leave anything in data sections.
  • Hashes are randomized for each compilation to defeat basic hash database attacks.


  • LI_FN(function_pointer) -> lazy_function
  • LI_FN_DEF(function_type) -> lazy_function
  • LI_MODULE(module_name) -> lazy_module

  • safe indicates that when function cannot complete its task successfully 0 is returned instead of undefined behaviour manifesting.
  • cached indicates that the result is only computed during the first call and later reused.
  • forwarded indicates that export forwarding will be correctly resolved.



extra configuration

#define effects
LAZY_IMPORTER_NO_FORCEINLINE disables force inlining
LAZY_IMPORTER_CASE_INSENSITIVE enables case insensitive comparison. Might be required for forwarded export resolution.
LAZY_IMPORTER_CACHE_OPERATOR_PARENS uses cached() instead of get() in operator() of lazy_function
LAZY_IMPORTER_RESOLVE_FORWARDED_EXPORTS uses forwarded() in get(). WARNING does not apply to nt() and in().
LAZY_IMPORTER_HARDENED_MODULE_CHECKS adds extra sanity checks to module enumeration.
LAZY_IMPORTER_NO_CPP_FORWARD Removes dependence on <utility> c++ header.

example output

for ( i = *(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(__readgsqword(0x60u) + 24) + 16i64); ; i = (_QWORD *)*i )
    v1 = i[6];
    v2 = *(unsigned int *)(*(signed int *)(v1 + 60) + v1 + 136);
    v3 = (_DWORD *)(v2 + v1);
    if ( v2 + v1 != v1 )
      LODWORD(v4) = v3[6];
      if ( (_DWORD)v4 )
  while ( 1 )
    v4 = (unsigned int)(v4 - 1);
    v5 = -2128831035;
    v6 = (char *)(v1 + *(unsigned int *)((unsigned int)v3[8] + 4 * v4 + v1));
    v7 = *v6;
    v8 = (signed __int64)(v6 + 1);
    if ( v7 )
        v5 = 16777619 * (v5 ^ v7);
        v7 = *(_BYTE *)(v8 - 1);
      while ( v7 );
      if ( v5 == -973690651 )
    if ( !(_DWORD)v4 )
      goto LABEL_8;
  ((void (__fastcall *)(const char *))(v1
                                     + *(unsigned int *)(v1
                                                       + (unsigned int)v3[7]
                                                       + 4i64 * *(unsigned __int16 *)(v1 + (unsigned int)v3[9] + 2 * v4))))("hello world");

People that have supported this project

I would like to thank people that have reached out to me and donated some money to support me and my projects