
A simplistic, integer-only programming language



Letter is a simple LISP-like programming language that supports functions, dynamic scope, and local variables.

There are no types; Letter only has integers.

There are two directories correspoding to 2 implementations of Letter.

The C++ directory has an LLVM IR-generating JIT execution environment.

The Haskell directory has an interpreter and REPL.

(def fact (n)
    (if (= n 0)
        (* n (fact (- n 1)))))

(fact 8)


  • def

    • Adds a function into the global function environment.
    • Syntax: (def fun (arg1 arg2) (* arg1 arg2))
      • Defines a function called fun that accepts 2 arguments and yields the product of the two (by calling the * function)
  • do

    • Opens a new scope. Allows sequencing multiple expressions.
    • Always evaluates to the result of the last expression inside it.
    • Syntax: (do (print 3) (print 5) 5)
      • Evaluates to 5
  • let

    • Adds a variable binding to the current scope.
    • If it already exists, the value is mutated.
    • Syntax: (let var 4)
      • Sets var to 4
  • if

    • Evaluates the first argument. If it's 1, evaluates and yields the
      2nd argument. Otherwise, evaluates and yields the 3rd argument.
    • Syntax: (if (= x 0) 3 4)
      • Evaluates to 3 if x is 0, otherwise 4
  • print

    • Prints the argument to the console and yields its evaluated result.
    • Syntax: (print x)
      • Prints the value in x to stdout, plus a newline
  • not

    • Returns 1 if the argument is zero, and otherwise, returns 0.
    • Syntax: (not x)
  • while

    • Checks the first argument, and if it's true, runs the second argument. Always returns zero.
    • Syntax: (while (> 0 x) (do (print x) (let x (- x 1))))
      • Prints all values from x to 0
  • + / - / * / / / mod / = / > / < / > / >= / <=

    • Are provided in the initial basis. They do what you expect.

All expressions reduce to a 64-bit integer in LLVM, or an arbitrary sized integer in the interpreter.