
A free software library for reading BSA files.

GPL-3.0 License



Libbsa is a free software library for reading and writing BSA files.

Build Instructions

Libbsa uses CMake to generate build files. Instructions for Windows are given below.


  • Boost v1.55+ Filesystem, Iostreams and Locale libraries
  • Google Test: Required to build libloadorder's tests, but not the library itself. Tested with v1.7.0.
  • zlib v1.2.8

The Google Test and zlib dependencies are automatically managed by CMake, but Boost must be obtained separately.



b2 toolset=msvc threadapi=win32 link=static runtime-link=static variant=release address-model=32 --with-iostreams --with-filesystem --with-locale --with-system

link, runtime-link and address-model can all be modified if shared linking or 64 bit builds are desired. Libloadorder uses statically-linked Boost libraries by default: to change this, edit CMakeLists.txt.


Libbsa uses the following CMake variables to set build parameters:

Parameter Values Description
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON, OFF Whether or not to build a shared libbsa. Defaults to ON.
PROJECT_STATIC_RUNTIME ON, OFF Whether to link the C++ runtime statically or not. This also affects the Boost libraries used. Defaults to ON.

You may also need to define BOOST_ROOT if CMake can't find Boost.

  1. Set CMake up so that it builds the binaries in the build subdirectory of the libbsa folder.
  2. Define any necessary parameters.
  3. Configure CMake, then generate a build system for Visual Studio.
  4. Open the generated solution file, and build it.