
Simple C++ library to interact with Steam client file formats and the Steam Deck



A nice and easy to use C++ library to interact with Steam and its file formats. Mainly intended for the Steam Deck but it will work elsewhere too


  • Binary VDF File parser (e.g shortcuts.vdf)
    • Parsing
    • Modifying fields
    • Adding new fields
    • Dumping back to binary representation
    • Pretty printing
  • KeyValue File parser (e.g config.vdf)
    • Parsing
    • Modifying fields
    • Adding new fields
    • Dumping back to text representation
    • Pretty printing
  • Interaction with the Steam Game UI
    • Restarting Game UI
    • Adding new shortcuts to Steam
    • Removing shortcuts from Steam
    • Enabling Proton for shortcuts
  • Querying the SteamGridDB API
    • Searching
    • Getting Grids, Heroes, Logos and Icons


shortcut.vdf interaction

std::vector<u8> vdfFileContent = /* ... */;

steam::VDF vdf(vdfFileContent);

// Print game name of first entry
auto firstGameName = vdf["shortcuts"]["0"]["AppName"].string();
std::printf("%s", firstGameName.c_str());

// Hide first game from UI
vdf["shortcuts"]["0"]["IsHidden"] = true;

// Convert back to binary representation
auto binaryData = vdf.dump();

// Print vdf as formatted data
std::printf("%s", vdf.format().c_str());

Check out the /test folder for more examples