
thin and lightweight, fast, ODBC API wrapper for modern C++ uses


Lightweight, SQL and ORM data mapper API for C++23

Lightweight is a thin and modern C++ ODBC wrapper for easy and fast raw database access.


  • Easy to use - simple, expressive and intuitive API
  • Performance - do as little as possible, and as much as necessary - efficiency is key
  • Extensible - support for custom data types for writing to and reading from columns
  • Exception safe - no need to worry about resource management
  • Open Collaboration - code directly integrated into the main project


  • Feature creeping (ODBC is a huge API, we are not going to wrap everything)
  • No intend to support non-ODBC connectors directly, in order to keep the codebase simple and focused

Query builder examples

auto sqlStatement = SqlStatement();
auto const& queryFormatter = sqlStatemnt.Connection().QueryFormatter();

// SELECT "employee_id", "first_name", "last_name"
// FROM "employees"
// WHERE "employee_id" = 100
// ORDER BY "last_name" ASC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 10
                .Fields("employee_id", "first_name", "last_name")
                .Where("employee_id", "=", 100)
                .OrderBy("last_name", SqlQueryBuilder::Ascending)
                .Range(5, 10)

// UPDATE "employees"
// SET "first_name" = 'John', "last_name" = 'Doe'
// WHERE "employee_id" = 100
                .Set("first_name", "John")
                .Set("last_name", "Doe")
                .Where("employee_id", "=", 100)

// INSERT INTO "employees" ("employee_id", "first_name", "last_name")
// VALUES (100, 'John', 'Doe')
                .Values("employee_id", 100)
                .Values("first_name", "John")
                .Values("last_name", "Doe")

// DELETE FROM "employees"
// WHERE "employee_id" = 100
                .Where("employee_id", "=", 100)

C++ Language requirements

This library a little bit of more modern C++ language and library features in order to be more expressive and efficient.

  • C++23 (std::expected, std::stacktrace, lambda templates expressions)
  • C++20 (std::source_location, std::error_code, operator<=>, std::format(), designated initializers, concepts, ranges)
  • C++17 (fold expressions, std::string_view, std::optional, std::variant, std::apply)

Supported Databases

  • Microsoft SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • Oracle database (untested)

Using SQLite for testing on Windows operating system

You need to have the SQLite3 ODBC driver for SQLite installed.

SQLite ODBC driver installation on other operating systems

# Fedora Linux
sudo dnf install sqliteodbc

# Ubuntu Linux
sudo apt install sqliteodbc

# macOS
arch -arm64 brew install sqliteodbc