
Luna is a modern and good-looking QtQuick components library (QML UI kit) aimed to desktop usage.

MIT License



Luna is a QML components library (Buttons, CheckBoxes, SpinBoxes, etc.) aimed to desktop usage.

  • Based on QtQuickControls 2.
  • Fixes various behaviors for default QML components.
  • Adds support for a much needed DoubleSpinBox, to handle doubles (the standard one handles only integers).
  • Provides a TreeView.
  • Provides a Vector3dEditor to handle QVector3D objects.
  • Lots of animations and graphical effects.

These new components are not 100% pure QML: they're based on C++ classes for the backend and logic, for performance reasons.

Compatibility: tested on Windows and macOS.

Table of Contents

How to use

  1. Link with the luna library.

  2. If you're statically linking, initialize the lib's resources:

    #include <luna/ResourceInitialization.hpp>
  3. Declare the library to the QML engine to be able to use it:

    #include <luna/QmlEngineConfig.hpp>
  4. In QML files, import the library as needed, where <Module> is a QML luna module:

    import Luna.<Module> 1.0 as <Module>

    Modules are:

    • Containers
    • Controls
    • Dialogs
    • MainWindow
    • Styles
    • Utils

    For detaied information about modules, read the dedicated section below.



  • Expander: Allows to hide/show UI with a nice animation.
  • Panel
  • ScrollView: Improved ScrollView that will scroll automatically to the item that gets active focus.


  • BusyIndicator
  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • ComboBox
  • DoubleSpinBox: Input field, with drag up/down support, that accepts doubles.
  • IntegerSpinBox: Input field, with drag up/down support, that accepts integers.
  • LayoutSpacer: Same as QtWidgets's QSpacerItem.
  • ListView
  • ListViewItem
  • Menu
  • MenuItem
  • MenuSeparator
  • ProgressBar
  • ScrollBar
  • Separator
  • Slider
  • SpinBox: Default (integer) SpinBox with +/- buttons.
  • Switch
  • Text
  • TextField
  • TreeView
  • TreeViewArrow
  • Vector3dEditor: Composed of 3 DoubleSpinBox and uses a QVector3D as value.


  • AnimationUtils: Allows to start an animation on a property.
  • BindingUtils: Allows to change a value without breaking existing bindings.
  • ButtonShape : Generic shape for buttons.
  • EventLoopUtils: Allows to schedule a task.
  • FocusBorder : Animated keyboard focus indicator.
  • GeometryUtils: Various computations of item sizes.
  • InputShape : Generic shape for text input fields.
  • MenuUtils: Utilities to handle menus in QML.
  • Platform: Get current OS from QML.
  • QtObject2: QtObject that allows nesting of other QtObjects.
  • ScrollUtils: Utilities to handle ScrollView behaviors.
  • SvgIcon: Same as SvgImage but allows to change the overlay color.
  • SvgImage: An image that takes source from a SVG file and scales correctly.
  • Tooltip: Animated tooltip.


Olivier Cléro | email | website


Luna is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.