
A concise and clean command line argument parser implemented using macro for c++.

MIT License



Programs need command line arguments. I cherish the time when argparse module in python make my life easier dealing with command line arguments, but sometimes god needs us coding in c++ instead.

There are plenty of command line argument parser in the c/c++ world, such as:

However, they are either too syntacticly ugly, too many zombie features that confusing, or casting types anywhere and brining in too much concept and overhead that complicates everything.

So I start design and write a command line parsing library myself. The command line parser is defined using C macros, hence has 'macro' in the name.

Design goal

  • keep code concise and informative
  • static type with no explicit type casting code
  • write less code
  • header files only


a decent c++ compiler with c++11 support


run make and you'll get two header files in include, namely:

  • macro-argparse-plain.hh
  • macro-argparse-jquery.hh
    copy them along with all other header files in include to your project,
    and include one of the above file. The difference between the two files
    will be explained after.



#include "macro-argparse-plain.hh"

	std::string,	name,		"zxytim",	OPTIONAL, OPT_SLH(-n, --name, "who to say"),
	std::string,	content,	"Bonjour",	OPTIONAL, OPT_SH(-c, "what to say"),
	int,			times,		1,			REQUIRED, OPT_LH(--times, "say how many times?"),
	bool,			decorate,	false,		OPTIONAL, OPT_SLWH(-d, --decorate, true, "decoreate the output")

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	Argument args;
	if (!args.parse_args(argc, argv))
		return 1;
	if (args.decorate)
		std::cout << "==================" << std::endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < args.times; i ++)
		std::cout << args.content << " " << << "!" << std::endl;
	if (args.decorate)
		std::cout << "==================" << std::endl;

	return 0;


Error: `--times' required but not specified.
Usage: ./simple --times INT:TIMES [-c STRING:CONTENT] [-d] [-n STRING:NAME]
  --times INT:TIMES say how many times?
  -c STRING:CONTENT what to say
  -d, --decorate    decoreate the output
  -n, --name STRING:NAME who to say

more examples in example directory, use make test to compile them.

Define a class

Format of defining an argument class:

	DEF_ARGUMENT_CLASS(ArgumentClassName, [<type, name, default_val, presence, option>, ...])


  • presence is one of OPTIONAL or REQUIRED
  • option should be a call to macro OPT_.



where SPECIFIER is a permutation of subsets of 'SLWH', defining the behavior of certain option:

  • S: SHORT
  • L: LONG
  • H: HELP
    subject to the contraint that there at least one of S or L should present.
    The order parameters of OPT_SPECIFIER the same as order of charaters in in SPECIFIER.

for example: OPT_SLH denotes that there are three paramters: short option, long option and help message. So OPT_SLH should be invoked like:

OPT_SLH(-l, --long-option, "this is help message")

some more examples:

OPT_LWH(--long-option, "witch_to_value", "this is help message")
OPT_HL("this is help message", --long-option)

Parse Arguments


	args.parse_args(argc, argv);

or use initializer

	Argument args(argc, argv);

and you are set.

Argument Accessing Style

There are two argument accessing style. One is 'plain', in which arguments are stored as a public member variable of the class:

	std::cout << args.alpha << std::endl;
	args.beta = "hello";

and the other one is 'jquery', which borrows the idea of how jquery handles getters and setters: a member function with no parameter is getter, and a member function with a parameter acts as setter, and return the class instance, so that you can call setters in a chain::

	std::cout << args.alpha() << std::endl;

Furthermore, a generic setter set accessing arguments by string is also provided:

	args.set("alpha", 10).set("alpha", "11");

Note that, a fallback is that all names that the class originally used can not be used again as arguments.

Type Cast

As you can see, when you set the value to a argument, you can almost give any reasonable type and we'll do the type convertion automatically for you.

Useful Helper Functions

  • print_help(std::ostream &&os, std::string const &prog_name): print the help message to os
  • dump(std::ostream &&os), dump(std::string const &path): dump parameters
  • load(std::istream &&os), load(std::string const &path): load parameters
  • std::vector get_option_info() const: retrieve option definitions


The project is undergoing its fast prototyping phase. Source code is not well-organized nor well-documented at this stage.

Any advice or question on the design or implementation techniques is warmly welcomed.