
MBO, a C++20 library: This C++20 library provides some general useful building blocks and integrates with Google's Abseil library.

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MBO, a C++20 library

This C++20 library provides some general useful building blocks and integrates with Google's Abseil library.

The library is tested with Clang and GCC using continuous integration: . Manual testing with native Apple clang version 15.0.0 ARM is also done.

The C++ library is organized in functional groups each residing in their own directory.

  • Container
    • namespace mbo::container
    • mbo/container:any_scan_cc, mbo/container/any_scan.h
      • class AnyScan: A container type independent iteration view - or scan over the container.
      • class ConstScan: A container type independent iteration view for const value_types.
      • class ConvertingScan: A container scanner that allows for conversions.
      • function MakeAnyScan: Helper function to create AnyScan instances.
      • function MakeConstScan: Helper function to create ConstScan instances.
      • function MakeConvertingScan: Helper function to create ConvertingScan instances.
    • mbo/container:convert_container_cc, mbo/container/convert_container.h
      • conversion struct ConvertContainer simplifies copying containers to value convertible containers.
    • mbo/container:limited_map_cc, mbo/container/limited_map.h
      • class LimitedMap: A space limited, constexpr compliant map.
    • mbo/container:limited_options_cc, mbo/container/limited_options.h
      • class LimitedOptions: A compile time configuration option for LimitedSet and LimitedMap.
    • mbo/container:limited_set_cc, mbo/container/limited_set.h
      • class LimitedSet: A space limited, constexpr compliant set.
    • mbo/container:limited_vector_cc, mbo/container/limited_vector.h
      • class LimitedVector: A space limited, constexpr compliant vector.
  • Diff
    • namespace mbo::diff
    • mbo/diff:unified_dff_cc, mbo/diff/unified_diff.h
      • class UnifiedDiff: A class that implements unified-diffing.
    • mbo/diff:unified_diff
      • binary unfied_diff: A binary that performs a unified-diff on two files.
    • mbo/diff:diff_bzl, mbo/diff/diff.bzl
      • bzl-macro difftest: A test rule that compares an output versus a golden file.
  • Files
    • namespace mbo::files
    • mbo/file:artefact_cc, mbo/file/artefact.h
      • struct Artefact: Holds information about a file (its data content, name, and modified time).
    • mbo/file:file_cc, mbo/file/file.h
      • function GetContents: Reads a file and returns its contents or an absl::Status error.
      • function GetMTime: Returns the last update/modified time of a file or an absl::Status error.
      • function GetMaxLines: Reads at most given number of text lines from a file or returns absl::Status error.
      • function IsAbsolutePath: Returns whether a given path is absolute.
      • function JoinPaths: Join multiple path elements.
      • function JoinPathsRespectAbsolute: Join multiple path elements respecting absolute path elements.
      • function NormalizePath: Normalizes a path.
      • function Readable: Returns whether a file is readable or an absl::Status error.
      • function SetContents: Writes contents to a file.
    • mbo/file/ini:ini_file_cc, mbo/file/ini/ini_file.h
      • class IniFile: A simple INI file reader.
  • Hash
    • namespace mbo::hash
    • mbo/hash:hash_cc, mbo/hash/hash.h
      • function simple::GetHash(std::string_view): A constexpr capable hash function.
  • Log
    • namespace mbo::log
    • mbo/log:log_timing_cc, mbo/log/log_timing.h
      • functoin mbo::log::LogTiming([args]) a simple timing logger.
  • Mope
    • namespace mbo::mope
    • The MOPE templating engine. Run bazel run //mbo/mope -- --help for detailed documentation.
    • mbo/mope
      • binary mope.
    • mbo/mope:mope_cc, mbo/mope/mope.h
      • class Template: The mope template engine and data holder.
    • mbo/mope:ini_cc, mbo/mope/ini.h
      • function ReadIniToTemplate: Helper to initialize a mope Template from an INI file.
    • mbo/mope:mope_bzl, mbo/mope/mope.bzl
      • bzl-rule mope: A rule that expands a mope template file.
      • bzl-macro mope_test: A test rule that compares mope template expansion against golden files. This
        supports clang-format and thus can be used for source-code generation and verification.
  • Status
    • namespace mbo::status
    • mbo/status:status_builder_cc, mbo/status/status_builder.h
      • class StatusBuilder which allows to extend the message of an absl::Status.
    • mbo/status:status_cc, mbo/status/status.h
      • function GetStatus allows to convert types to an absl::Status.
    • mbo/status:status_macros_cc, mbo/status/status_macros.h
      • macro MBO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN: Macro that simplifies handling functions returning absl::StatusOr<T>.
      • macro MBO_MOVE_TO_OR_RETURN: Macro that simplifies handling functions returning absl::StatusOr<T> where the result requires commas, in particular structured bindings.
      • macro MBO_RETURN_IF_ERROR: Macro that simplifies handling functions returning absl::Status or absl::StausOr<T>.
  • Strings
    • namespace mbo::strings
    • mbo/strings:indent_cc, mbo/strings/indent.h
      • function DropIndent: Converts a raw-string text block as if it had no indent.
      • function DropIndentAndSplit: Variant of DropIndent that returns the result as lines.
    • mbo/strings:parse_cc, mbo/strings/parse.h
      • function ParseString: Parses strings respecting C++ and custom escapes as well as quotes (all configurable).
      • function ParseStringList: Parses and splits strings respecting C++ and custom escapes as well as quotes (all configurable).
    • mbo/strings:strip_cc, mbo/strings/strip.h
      • struct StripCommentsArgs: Arguments for StripComments and StripLineComments.
      • function StripComments: Strips comments from lines.
      • function StripLineComments: Strips comments from a single line.
      • struct StripParsedCommentsArgs: Arguments for StripParsedComments and StripParsedLineComments.
      • function StripParsedComments: Strips comments from parsed lines.
      • function StripLineParsedComments: Strips comments from a single parsed line.
  • Testing
    • namespace mbo::testing
    • mbo/testing:matchers_cc, mbo/testing/matchers.h
      • gMock-Matcher CapacityIs which checks the capacity of a container.
      • gmock-matcher WhenTransformedBy which allows to compare containers after transforming them. This sometimes allows for much more concise comparisons where a golden expectation is already available that only differs in a simple transformation.
    • mbo/testing:status_cc, mbo/testing/status.h
      • gMock-matcher IsOk: Tests whether an absl::Status or absl::StatusOr is absl::OkStatus.
      • gMock-matcher IsOkAndHolds: Tests an absl::StatusOr for absl::OkStatus and contents.
      • gMock-matcher StatusIs: Tests an absl::Status or absl::StatusOr against a specific status code and message.
      • gmock-matcher StatusHasPayload: Tests whether an absl::Status or absl::StatusOr payload map has any payload, a specific payload url, or a payload url with specific content.
      • gmock-matcher StatusPayloads Tests whether an absl::Status or absl::StatusOr payload map matches.
      • macro MBO_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN: Simplifies testing with functions that return absl::StatusOr<T>.
      • macro MBO_ASSERT_OK_AND_MOVE_TO: Simplifies testing with functions that return absl::StatusOr<T> where the result requires commas, in particular structured bindings.
  • Types
    • namespace mbo::types
    • mbo/types:cases_cc, mbo/types/cases.h
      • meta-type Cases: Allows to switch types based on conditions.
      • meta-type CaseIndex: Evaluates the first non zero case (1-based, 0 if all zero).
      • meta-type IfThen: Helper type to generate if-then Cases types.
      • meta-type IfElse: Helper type to generate else Cases which are always true and must go last.
      • meta-type IfFalseThenVoid: Helper type that can be used to skip a case.
      • meta-type IfTrueThenVoid: Helper type to inject default cases and to ensure the required type expansion is always possible.
    • mbo/types:compare_cc, mbo/types/compare.h
      • comparator mbo::types::CompareLess which is compatible to std::Less but allows container optimizations.
    • mbo/types:extend_cc, mbo/types/extend.h
      • crtp-struct Extend: Enables extending of struct/class types with basic functionality.
      • crtp-struct ExtendNoDefault Like Extend but without default extender functionality.
      • crtp-struct ExtendNoPrint Like Extend but without Printable and Streamable extender functionality.
      • namespace extender
        • extender-struct AbslStringify: Extender that injects functionality to make an Extended type work with abseil format/print functions. See Stringify for various API extension points.
        • extender-struct AbslHashable: Extender that injects functionality to make an Extended type work with abseil hashing (and also std::hash).
        • extender-struct Comparable: Extender that injects functionality to make an Extended type comparable. All comparators will be injected: <=>, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=.
        • extender-struct Printable:
          • Extender that injects functionality to make an Extended type get a std::string ToString() const function which can be used to convert a type into a std::string.
          • The output is a comma separated list of field values, e.g. { 25, 42 }.
          • If available (Clang 16+) this function prints field names { .first = 25, .second = 42 }.
        • extender-struct Streamable: Extender that injects functionality to make an Extended type streamable. This allows the type to be used directly with std::ostreams.
    • mbo/types:no_destruct_cc, mbo/types/no_destruct.h
      • struct NoDestruct<T>: Implements a type that allows to use any type as a static constant.
      • Mainly, this prevents calling the destructor and thus prevents termination issues (initialization order fiasco).
    • mbo/types:ref_wrap_cc, mbo/types/ref_wrap.h
      • template-type RefWrap<T>: similar to std::reference_wrapper but supports operators -> and *.
    • mbo/types:template_search_cc, mbo/types/template_search.h:
      • template struct BinarySearch implements templated binary search algorithm.
      • template struct LinearSearch implements templated linear search algorithm.
      • template struct ReverseSearch implements templated reverse linear search algorithm.
      • template struct MaxSearch implements templated linear search for last match algorithm.
    • mbo/types:stringify_cc, mbo/types/stringify.h
      • class Stringify a utility to convert structs into strings.
      • function StringifyWithFieldNames a format control adapter for Stringify.
      • struct StringifyOptions which can be used to control Stringify formatting.
      • API extension point type MboTypesStringifySupport which enables Stringify support even if not otherwise enabled (disables Abseil stringify support in Stringify).
      • API extension point type MboTypesStringifyDisable which disables Stringify support. This allows to prevent
        complex classes (and more importantly fields of complex types) from being printed/streamed using Stringify
      • API extension point type MboTypesStringifyDoNotPrintFieldNames which if present disables field names in Stringify.
      • API extension point function MboTypesStringifyFieldNames which adds field names to Stringify.
      • API extension point function MboTypesStringifyOptions which adds full format control to Stringify.
    • mbo/types:stringify_ostream_cc, mbo/types/stringify_ostream.h
      • operator std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const MboTypesStringifySupport auto& v) - conditioanl automatic ostream support for structs using Stringify.
    • mbo/types:traits_cc, mbo/types/traits.h
      • type alias ContainerConstIteratorValueType returned the value-type of the const_iterator of a container.
      • concept ContainerIsForwardIteratable determines whether a types can be used in forward iteration.
      • concept ContainerHasEmplace determines whether a container has emplace.
      • concept ContainerHasEmplaceBack determines whether a container has emplace_back.
      • concept ContainerHasInsert determines whether a container has insert.
      • concept ContainerHasPushBack determines whether a container has push_back.
      • concept ContainerHasForwardIterator determines whether a container has begin, end and std::forward_iterator compliant iterators.
      • concept ContainerHasInputIterator determines whether a container has begin, end and std::input_iterator compliant iterators.
      • type alias GetDifferenceType is either set to the type's difference_type or std::ptrdiff_t.
      • concept HasDifferenceType determines whether a type has a difference_type.
      • concept IsAggregate determines whether a type is an aggregate.
      • concept IsCharArray determines whether a type is a char* or char[] related type.
      • concept IsDecomposable determines whether a type can be used in static-bindings.
      • concept IsInitializerList determines whether a type is `std::initializer type.
      • concept IsBracesConstructibleV determines whether a type can be constructe from given argument types.
      • concept IsOptional determines whether a type is a std::optional.
      • concept IsPair determines whether a type is a std::pair.
      • concept IsSameAsAnyOfRaw / NotSameAsAnyOfRaw which determine whether type is one of a list of types.
      • concept IsSmartPtr determines whether a type is a std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr or std::weak_ptr.
        • Can be extended with other smart pointers through IsSmartPtrImpl.
      • concept IsTuple determines whether a type is a std::tuple.
      • concept IsVariant determines whether a type is a std::variant type.
    • mbo/types:tstring_cc, mbo/types/tstring.h
      • struct tstring: Implements type tstring a compile time string-literal type.
      • operator operator"" _ts: String literal support for Clang, GCC and derived compilers.
    • mbo/types:tuple_cc, mbo/types/tuple.h
      • template struct mbo::types::TupleCat which concatenates tuple types.

In addition some Bazel macros are implemented that are not direct part of the library:

  • bzl:archive.bzl
    • http_archive: Simple wrapper that tests whether the archive was already loaded.
    • github_archive: Specialized archive wrapper that supports github that supports tagged releases or commits.

Installation and requirements

This repository requires a C++20 compiler (in case of MacOS XCode 15 is needed).

This is done so that newer features like std::source_location can be used.

The project only comes with a Bazel BUILD.bazel file and can be added to other Bazel projects. Checkout Releases or use head ref as follows:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

  name = "com_helly25_proto",
  url = "https://github.com/helly25/mbo/archive/refs/heads/main.tar.gz",
  # See https://github.com/helly25/mbo/releases for releases.

The project is formatted with specific clang-format settings which require clang 16+ (in case of MacOs LLVM 16+ can be installed using brew).


Practical Production-proven Constexpr API Elements

Presented at C++ On Sea 2024, this presentation covers the theory behind:

  • mbo::hash::simple::GetHash,
  • mbo::container::LimitedVector,
  • mbo::container::LimitedMap, and
  • mbo::container::LimitedSet.

Slides are available at: