Arduino library to interface with MCP320X family 12-bit Analogue to Digital Converter chips.


MCP320X Arduino library

Arduino library to interface with MCP320X family (MCP3204 and MCP3208) 12-bit Analogue-to-Digital Converter chips (check datasheet here). Put together by Lyudmil Vladimirov, Feb 2017

Inspired by the Arduino Playground MCP3208 example. (


In it's current version, the library only supports Single-ended measurements.

Using the MCP320X library

  • (Optional) Define model and SPI pins
#define CS_PIN D4     // ESP8266 default SPI pins
#define CLOCK_PIN D5  // Should work with any other GPIO pins, since the library does not formally
#define MOSI_PIN D7   // use SPI, but rather performs pin bit banging to emulate SPI communication.
#define MISO_PIN D6   //

#define MCP3204 4     // (Generally "#define MCP320X X", where X is the last model digit/number of inputs)
  • Create an instance of MCP320X object.
  • Read from the channel of interest.
int adc = mcp3204.readADC(0); // Read from channel 0

The output should be a number from 0 to 4095, proportional to the range GND to VREF. If -1 is received instead, it means you have either specified the wrong model number, or an invalid channel for the given model.

Compatible devices

The library has only been tested on an ESP8266 chip (WeMos D1 mini) with a MCP3204, however should work with both MCP3204/8 and on any Arduino compatible device.

Open for contributions

Contributions to the library are more than welcome!