
Mesh Simplification based on edge-collapse algorithm


Mesh Simplication

This repository holds mesh simplification, a project based on edge-collapse algorithm, which is put forward by Michael Garland and Paul S. Heckbert in 1997.


-- This is the homework of Computer Graphics, a course in spring semester, 2016.

-- You can download this project to complile by executing "make" command or test it by executing "main.exe [input.obj] [output.obj] [ratio]".

Dragon Model

Take "dragon.obj" for example

-Original model (9342 KB)

-Simplication ratio = 0.3 (2221 KB)

-Simplication ratio = 0.05 (357 KB)

-Simplication ratio = 0.01 (80 KB)

Compiling environment

  • Complier:g++ (GCC) 4.8.1

  • OS:Windows 7 - 64bit


  • Garland M., Heckbert P S., Surface simplification using quadric error matrix, Computer Graphics, 1997, 209-216.

  • Course materials provided by teacher and TA of Computer Graphics.