
A thread-safe, easy-to-use, utility for sending and receiving notifications. It allows you to decouple different modules of your application.



​NotificationManager is a thread-safe, easy-to-use utility for sending and receiving notifications. It allows you to decouple different modules of your application. It can also simplify multi-threaded communication in many cases.

This utility is based on a previous one we used in Lucera Project's MindShake game engine. But the previous version was programmed in C++98 and instead of any it used our own implementation of variant. But in essence, it is the same.

By default, it uses C++17 std::any library feature but it has a C++11 fallback using the implementation from @thelink2012 GitHub.

Due to that it is recommended to use plain any, any_cast, bad_any_cast instead of std::any, std::any_cast, std::bad_any_cast to maximize compatibility.

It was also successfully ported to C# to be able to use it with Unity and to Python to use it in a roguelike.

User Interface

GetDelegate(NotificationId id): Gets the delegate for the current thread. With this, you can Add or Remove 'Callables' (functions, methods, or lambdas) to the specified notification id.

Logger(NotificationId id, const any &data) {
    const std::string &msg = any_cast<std::string>(data);
    fprintf(logFile, "%s\n", msg.c_str());

struct Logger {
    Logger() {
        NotificationManager::GetDelegate(NotificationId::Log).Add(this, &Logger::Log);

    ~Logger() {
        NotificationManager::GetDelegate(NotificationId::Log).Remove(this, &Logger::Log);

    void Log(NotificationId id, const any &data) {
        const std::string &msg = any_cast<std::string>(data);
        fprintf(logFile, "%s\n", msg.c_str());
    .Add([&logFile](NotificationId id, const any &data) {
        const std::string &msg = any_cast<std::string>(data);
        fprintf(logFile, "%s\n", msg.c_str());

For the time being, complex lambdas cannot be removed directly. So we need to save an id in case we want to remove them.

auto logger = [&logFile](NotificationId id, const any &data) {
    const std::string &msg = any_cast<std::string>(data);
    fprintf(logFile, "%s\n", msg.c_str());

auto delegate = NotificationManager::GetDelegate(NotificationId::Log);
auto id = delegate.Add(logger);

Note: I have had to implement my own wrapper for callables (Delegate<...>) since I needed to identify the callable in case the user wants to remove it, because std::function lacks the operator ==.

SendNotification(NotificationId id, std::any data, bool overwrite = false): Allows sending a notification from anywhere, with whatever data. It also allows the user to overwrite pending notifications. For instance, It's uncommon that someone needs all the UI windows to reshape notifications, just the last one is enough.

By default, the notifications are sent to the current thread if there is an associated delegate for the specified NotificationId.

NotificationManager::SendNotification(NotificationId::Log, "Something happened"s);

NotificationManager::SendNotification(NotificationId::EnemyKilled, enemy);

NotificationManager::SendNotification(NotificationId::Reshape, std::tuple(width, height));

SendStoredNotificationsForThisThread(): As it is not possible to interrupt a thread while executing, every thread must call this function at the point the user desire to receive the pending notifications. Also, it's interesting that you call this in the main thread to get notifications sent from different threads.

while(keepRunning) {


There are also some methods to configure the behavior of the utility for special cases.

Enable/Disable MultiThread: Sometimes the application could be mono-thread and it is a waste of time to use mutexes in that case. So the user can Enable/Disable the use of mutexes in this case:

void         SetMT(bool set);
void         EnableMT();
void         DisableMT();
bool         GetMT();

Enable/Disble AutoSend: Sometimes the user don't want to send automatically notifications for the current thread, and wait until the next call to SendStoredNotificationsForThisThread. You can modify the default behavior (send them automatically) using these functions:

void         SetAutoSend(bool set);
void         EnableAutoSend();
void         DisableAutoSend();
bool         GetAutoSend();

Extra: Delegates<...>

Due to the fact that I had to implement my own wrapper for callables, users have the possibility to use them in their own projects as, for example, a simple signal/slot utility.

struct Button {
    void OnClick() {

    MindShake::Delegate<void()> onPressed;


Button btn;
btn.onPressed.Add([]() { printf("Button was pressed"); });



How to use it

Just drop the files NotificationManager.h, NotificationManager.cpp and NotificationId.h to your project (notifications is a good name for the folder containing them).

The notifications folder here contains an empty NotificationId.h file that you have to fill with your own notification ids.

Note: example1, example2 and example3 have their own NotificationId.h files with different ids for each project.

Before exiting your program it is a good idea to call Clear() to free some resources.



  • Why is NotificationManager a static class?

    Because it will be only one instance and, in this case, I prefer not to use a Singleton, to avoid having to continually call GetInstance. I also don't want to use (an over-designed, ahem) a more complicated pattern to accomplish this simple task.

  • Why is not a header only utility?

    Because I want it to be compatible with C++11, and static inline variables are a C++17 feature. Sorry.