
ATtiny85-based sample machine with tempo-based effects.



nyblcore is...

  • a tiny ATtiny85-based sample player device for diy enthusiasts.
  • powered by a single AAA for ~5-8 hours of battery life.
  • holding 8 kB of storage for up to 1.2 seconds of 8-bit audio sampled @ 4.1 kHz.
  • controlled by multi-functional knobs that modulate tempo, volume, distortion.
  • probability-based. knobs also control the chaos of jump, retrig, stutter and stretch fx.
  • able to load custom firmware / audio using an Arduino or an AVR usb programmer with web-based tool.
  • entirely open-source, wonderfully hackable.

nyblcore is available for purchase. The assembled version is ready to play, handmade by me. The kit version comes with all the components (battery included!) and instructions on how to solder it together.

more information at the website: nyblcore.com.

support open-source

nyblcore is open-source, all the code and boards are on my github here.

If you make this device yourself, please consider sponsoring me on github to support my time and effort in this project and to continue to allow me to explore making devices and releasing them as open-source.

of course, you can also support this work by buying the device directly from me.