
Integration for backscrub project into OBS Studio

APACHE-2.0 License



Integration for backscrub project into OBS Studio

What is this?

It's a video filter plugin for OBS Studio (currently limited to video capture devices that produce YUY2 format streams), which uses the backscrub library to remove the background of a video source (replacing it with green), allowing subsequent chroma keying of alternate backgrounds.

Neat! How do I build it?


  • Install the dependencies (assuming you have OBS Studio already!): build-essentials, libobs-dev, libopencv-dev
  • Clone this project.
  • Do the CMake dance:
    % mkdir build; cmake -B build; cmake --build build -j

This will pull the submodules (backscrub and Tensorflow), configure them (mostly Tensorflow fetching several more dependencies) then compile everything. Expect to wait 10+ minutes for a full build, and lose ~2GB of disk space.


NB: This is fiddly, fragile and poorly tested

  • Development environment: VS2019 community edition, on Server2019 / Windows10/11
  • Download and install dependencies (assuming you have OBS Studio already!):
  • Download OBS source code and bodge an import library (in lieu of a libobs-dev package):
    • Match your version, eg for 29.0.2: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/archive/refs/tags/29.0.2.zip
    • Create a fresh libobs folder eg: C:\Users\phlash\Downloads\libobs
    • Save LibObsConfig.zip to the libobs folder and unpack in place to get a CMake config script
    • From OBS source ZIP, unpack only the libobs folder into folder above, then rename as inc, eg: C:\Users\phlash\Downloads\libobs\inc
    • Create a bin folder next to inc eg: C:\Users\phlash\Downloads\libobs\bin
    • Copy the OBS.DLL library out of your installed OBS Studio eg: C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\OBS.DLL into bin folder.
    • In a VS2019 Developer Command Prompt, generate an import library from the DLL, instructions modified from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9946322/how-to-generate-an-import-library-lib-file-from-a-dll
      C> cd <libobs\bin folder>
      C> echo LIBRARY OBS > obs.def
      C> echo EXPORTS >> obs.def
      C> for /f "skip=19 tokens=4" %A in ('dumpbin /exports OBS.DLL') do echo %A >> obs.def
      C> lib /def:obs.def /out:OBS.LIB /machine:x64
    • Clone this project.
    • Checkout windows-build branch.
    • In a VS2019 Developer Command Prompt Do the CMake dance, informing it where OpenCV and libobs are:
    C> mkdir build
    C> cmake -B build -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<OpenCV path>\build;<libobs folder>"
    C> cmake --build build -j
    C> cmake --build build -j

It's built - how do I install it?


I choose to create sym-links for the built object and the data directory out of the obs-studio installation, this avoids install-to-test issues:

% cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/obs-plugins
% sudo ln -s /home/phlash/obs-backscrub/build/obs-backscrub.so .
% cd /usr/share/obs/obs-plugins
% sudo ln -s /home/phlash/obs-backscrub/data obs-backscrub


Not quite the same as Linux as Windows cannot do file symlinks, only folders, so we copy the built object and dependencies:

C> cd \Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugin\64bit
C> copy \Users\phlash\obs-backscrub\build\obs-backscrub.dll
C> copy <OpenCV path>\build\x64\opencv-world3414d.dll
C> cd ..\..\data\obs-plugin
C> mklink /D obs-backscrub \Users\phlash\obs-backscrub\data

Using it?

Fire up OBS Studio - check the logs to ensure obs-backscrub.dll loads successfully.

Add a video capture source, go to filters, and add an audio/video filter 'Background scrubber'. That's it.

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