
Like mysqlslap but for odbc

GPL-3.0 License



Like mysqlslap but for odbc


git clone --depth=10 https://github.com/Shelnutt2/odbcslap.git
cd odbcslap
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install

Example Usage

odbcslap --help
Run and benchmark queries against a odbc database
  Odbcslap [OPTION...]

      --help            Print help
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose output
  -d, --dsn arg         Dsn to connect with
  -u, --username arg    Optional username to connect to database
  -p, --password arg    Optional password to connect to database
  -e, --execute arg     Query to execute
  -i, --iterations arg  Number of iterations to run
  -t, --threads arg     Number of simultaneous clients to simulate
  -c, --clients arg     alias for -c/--clients
  -j, --jobs arg        alias for -t/--threads
  -f, --file arg        File containing queries to benchmark

Run against DSN specified in odbc.ini:

odbcslap -d "MyDSN" -e "Select 'Hello World'"

Give DSN on command line:

odbcslap -d "Driver=MySQL;Server=localhost;Database=test;User=odbcslap_test;Password=;" -e "Select 'Hello World'"

Use file containing sql queries:

odbcslap -d "MyDSN" -f /path/to/file.sql

See test/test.sql for sample sql file

Set iterations and threads

odbcslap -d "MyDSN" -f /path/to/file.sql --iterations 100 --threads 25