openFrameworks addon for including and wrapping the dlib library

OTHER License



I have deprecated this addon in favor of https://github.com/bakercp/ofxDlib, which has a much better implementation with openFrameworks. The examples and classes of this addon are going to be merged into this other one.

Addon for openFrameworks to deal with DLib data types. Inspired on ofxCv

Comes with a face tracker example and works with projectGenerator.

only tested on osx 10.9.5 with OF 0.9.3

##To run example

Remember to download the face model .dat file http://dlib.net/files/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2 Once downloaded put into the project's bin/data folder or specify it's path when calling FaceTracker.setup("path to the .dat file");


Make sure you select Release instead of Debug. Otherwise it will run super slow. image