
Yet Another OpenCV eXtension

MIT License



NEWS: A new maintainer is wanted

OpenCVX is a project to provide tweaked functions or extensional functions for OpenCV which is a well known open source Computer Vision C library.

Currently, for example, cvGaussPdf (Gaussian Probability density function), cvGmmPdf (Mixture of Gaussian Probability function), cvCropImageROI (Crop an affine transformed region of interest from an image), cvPutImageROI (Put an sub-image on an affine transformed region of interest of an image), several skin-color pixel extraction methods, and the particle filtering method (typically, used for object tracking), and so on, are available.

OpenCVX is a C header-only library. Thus, it requires no installation step. You only need to #include a file which you want.

I am glad if the original OpenCV developers like to get my functions into the OpenCV itself. Let me know sonots(at)


See to know what functions are available.

Click function links and see their descriptions. You can find a filename to #include at the bottom of the Description page, and you may see Source tab if you feel the description has lack of explanations.

How to Install

This is a header-only library. To use, you only need to write

#include "opencvx/function.h"

in your file where "opencvx" is the path to the opencvx library.

This library is basically ruled as one file - one function.
