
C++20 framework for creative coding 🎮🎨🎹 / Cross-platform support (Windows, macOS, Linux, and the Web)

MIT License


Siv3D (OpenSiv3D) is a C++20 framework for creative coding (2D/3D games, media art, visualizers, and simulators). Siv3D applications run on Windows, macOS, Linux, and the Web.


  • Graphics
    • Advanced 2D graphics
    • Basic 3D graphics (Wavefront OBJ, primitive shapes)
    • Custom vertex / pixel shaders (HLSL, GLSL)
    • Text rendering (Bitmap, SDF, MSDF)
    • PNG, JPEG, BMP, SVG, GIF, Animated GIF, TGA, PPM, WebP, TIFF
    • Unicode 15.1 emojis and 7,000+ icons
    • Image processing
    • Video rendering
  • Audio
    • WAVE, MP3, AAC, OggVorbis, Opus, MIDI, WMA*, FLAC*, AIFF*
    • Adjustable volume, pan, play speed and pitch
    • File streaming (WAVE, MP3, OggVorbis)
    • Fade in and fade out
    • Looping
    • Mixing busses
    • Filters (LPF, HPF, echo, reverb)
    • FFT
    • SoundFont rendering
    • Text to speech*
  • Input
    • Mouse
    • Keyboard
    • Gamepad
    • Webcam
    • Microphone
    • Joy-Con / Pro Controller
    • XInput*
    • Digital drawing tablet*
    • Leap Motion*
  • Window
    • Fullscreen mode
    • High DPI support
    • Window styles (sizable, borderless)
    • File dialog
    • Drag & drop
    • Message box
    • Toast notification*
  • Network and communication
    • HTTP client
    • Multiplayer (with Photon SDK)
    • TCP communication
    • Serial communication
    • Interprocess communication (pipe)
    • OSC (Open Sound Control)
  • Math
    • Vector and matrix classes (Point, Float2, Vec2, Float3, Vec3, Float4, Vec4, Mat3x2, Mat3x3, Mat4x4, SIMD_Float4, Quaternion)
    • 2D shape classes (Line, Circle, Ellipse, Rect, RectF, Triangle, Quad, RoundRect, Polygon, MultiPolygon, LineString, Spline2D, Bezier2, Bezier3)
    • 3D shape classes (Plane, InfinitePlane, Sphere, Box, OrientedBox, Ray, Line3D, Triangle3D, ViewFrustum, Disc, Cylinder, Cone)
    • Color classes (Color, ColorF, HSV)
    • Polar / cylindrical / spherical coordinates system
    • 2D / 3D shape intersection
    • 2D / 3D geometry processing
    • Rectangle packing
    • Planar subdivisions
    • Linear and gamma color space
    • Pseudo random number generators
    • Interpolation, easing, and smoothing
    • Perlin noise
    • Math parser
    • Navigation mesh
    • Extended arithmetic types (HalfFloat, int128, uint128, BigInt, BigFloat)
  • String and Text Processing
    • Advanced String class (String, StringView)
    • Unicode conversion
    • Regular expression
    • {fmt} style text formatting
    • Text reader / writer classes
    • CSV / INI / JSON / XML / TOML reader classes
    • CSV / INI / JSON writer classes
    • JSON Validation
  • Misc
    • Basic GUI (button, slider, radio buttons, checkbox, text box, color picker, list box, menu bar, table)
    • Integrated 2D physics engine (Box2D)
    • Advanced array / 2D array classes (Array, Grid)
    • Kd-tree
    • Disjoint set
    • Asynchronous asset file streaming
    • Data compression (zlib, Zstandard)
    • Transitions between scenes
    • File system
    • Directory watcher
    • QR code reader / writer
    • GeoJSON
    • Date and time
    • Stopwatch and timer
    • Logging
    • Serialization
    • UUID
    • Child process
    • Clipboard
    • Power status
    • Scripting (AngelScript)
    • OpenAI API (Chat, Vision, Image, Speech, Embedding)

* Some features are limited to specific platforms

How to Install Siv3D + Tutorial

v0.6.15 | released 3 July 2024 | Release Notes

Platform SDK Requirements
Windows Download SDK /**SDK ** - Windows 10 / 11 (64-bit)- Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 17.10- Windows 10 SDK- Intel / AMD CPU
macOS Download SDK /**SDK ** - macOS Big Sur / Monterey / Ventura- Xcode 12.5 or newer- Intel CPU / Apple Silicon (Rosetta mode)*- OpenGL 4.1 compatible hardware
Linux Compiling for Linux /**Linux ** - GCC 9.3.0 (with Boost 1.71.0) / GCC 11.2 (with Boost 1.74.0)- Intel / AMD CPU- OpenGL 4.1 compatible hardware
Web (experimental**) Compiling for Web /**Web ** Web browser with WebAssembly and WebGL2 support

* Native Apple Silicon support will be added in the future release. You can build and run Siv3D in Rosetta mode** Some functionality may be missing or limited

Next Major Update

The next major update, Siv3D v0.8, is under development in the following repository.



Supporting the Project

If you would like to support the project financially, visit my GitHub Sponsors page. Your support will accelerate the development of this exciting framework.


1. Hello, Siv3D!

# include <Siv3D.hpp>

void Main()
	//  | Set the background color
	Scene::SetBackground(ColorF{ 0.6, 0.8, 0.7 });

	//  | Create a texture from an image file
	const Texture texture{ U"example/windmill.png" };

	//  | Create a texture from an emoji
	const Texture emoji{ U""_emoji };

	//  | Create a bold font with MSDF method
	const Font font{ FontMethod::MSDF, 48, Typeface::Bold };

	// font  | Create a font for emojis in text and add it to font as a fallback
	const Font emojiFont{ 48, Typeface::ColorEmoji };

	//  | Number of button presses
	int32 count = 0;

	//  | Checkbox state
	bool checked = false;

	//  | Player's movement speed
	double speed = 200.0;

	//  X  | Player's X position
	double playerPosX = 400;

	//  | Whether player is facing right
	bool isPlayerFacingRight = true;

	while (System::Update())
		//  | Draw the texture
		texture.draw(20, 20);

		//  | Draw text
		font(U"Hello, Siv3D!").draw(64, Vec2{ 20, 340 }, ColorF{ 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 });

		//  | Draw text within a specified area
		font(U"Siv3D ()  C++ ")
			.draw(18, Rect{ 20, 430, 480, 200 }, Palette::Black);

		//  | Draw a rectangle
		Rect{ 540, 20, 80, 80 }.draw();

		//  | Draw a rounded rectangle
		RoundRect{ 680, 20, 80, 200, 20 }.draw(ColorF{ 0.0, 0.4, 0.6 });

		//  | Draw a circle
		Circle{ 580, 180, 40 }.draw(Palette::Seagreen);

		//  | Draw an arrow
		Line{ 540, 330, 760, 260 }.drawArrow(8, SizeF{ 20, 20 }, ColorF{ 0.4 });

		//  | Draw a semi-transparent circle
		Circle{ Cursor::Pos(), 40 }.draw(ColorF{ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 });

		//  | Button
		if (SimpleGUI::Button(U"count: {}"_fmt(count), Vec2{ 520, 370 }, 120, (checked == false)))
			//  | Increase the count

		//  | Checkbox
		SimpleGUI::CheckBox(checked, U"Lock \U000F033E", Vec2{ 660, 370 }, 120);

		//  | Slider
		SimpleGUI::Slider(U"speed: {:.1f}"_fmt(speed), speed, 100, 400, Vec2{ 520, 420 }, 140, 120);

		//  | If left key is pressed
		if (KeyLeft.pressed())
			//  | Player moves left
			playerPosX = Max((playerPosX - speed * Scene::DeltaTime()), 60.0);
			isPlayerFacingRight = false;

		//  | If right key is pressed
		if (KeyRight.pressed())
			//  | Player moves right
			playerPosX = Min((playerPosX + speed * Scene::DeltaTime()), 740.0);
			isPlayerFacingRight = true;

		//  | Draw the player
		emoji.scaled(0.75).mirrored(isPlayerFacingRight).drawAt(playerPosX, 540);

2. Breakout

# include <Siv3D.hpp>

void Main()
	// 1  | Size of a single block
	constexpr Size BrickSize{ 40, 20 };

	//  /  | Ball speed (pixels / second)
	constexpr double BallSpeedPerSec = 480.0;

	//  | Ball velocity
	Vec2 ballVelocity{ 0, -BallSpeedPerSec };

	//  | Ball
	Circle ball{ 400, 400, 8 };

	//  | Array of bricks
	Array<Rect> bricks;

	for (int32 y = 0; y < 5; ++y)
		for (int32 x = 0; x < (Scene::Width() / BrickSize.x); ++x)
			bricks << Rect{ (x * BrickSize.x), (60 + y * BrickSize.y), BrickSize };

	while (System::Update())
		//  | Paddle
		const Rect paddle{ Arg::center(Cursor::Pos().x, 500), 60, 10 };

		//  | Move the ball
		ball.moveBy(ballVelocity * Scene::DeltaTime());

		//  | Check bricks in sequence
		for (auto it = bricks.begin(); it != bricks.end(); ++it)
			//  | If block and ball intersect
			if (it->intersects(ball))
				//  | If ball intersects with top or bottom of the block
				if (it->bottom().intersects(ball) || it->top().intersects(ball))
					//  Y  | Reverse the sign of the Y component of the ball's velocity
					ballVelocity.y *= -1;
				else // 
					//  X  | Reverse the sign of the X component of the ball's velocity
					ballVelocity.x *= -1;

				//  | Remove the block from the array (the iterator becomes invalid)

				//  | Do not check any more

		//  | If the ball hits the ceiling
		if ((ball.y < 0) && (ballVelocity.y < 0))
			//  Y  | Reverse the sign of the Y component of the ball's velocity
			ballVelocity.y *= -1;

		//  | If the ball hits the left or right wall
		if (((ball.x < 0) && (ballVelocity.x < 0))
			|| ((Scene::Width() < ball.x) && (0 < ballVelocity.x)))
			//  X  | Reverse the sign of the X component of the ball's velocity
			ballVelocity.x *= -1;

		//  | If the ball hits the left or right wall
		if ((0 < ballVelocity.y) && paddle.intersects(ball))
			//  | Change the direction (velocity vector) of the ball depending on the distance from the center of the paddle
			ballVelocity = Vec2{ (ball.x - * 10, -ballVelocity.y }.setLength(BallSpeedPerSec);

		//  | Draw all the bricks
		for (const auto& brick : bricks)
			//  Y  | Change the color of the brick depending on the Y coordinate
			brick.stretched(-1).draw(HSV{ brick.y - 40 });

		//  | Hide the mouse cursor

		//  | Draw the ball

		//  | Draw the paddle

3. Hello, 3D world!

# include <Siv3D.hpp>

void Main()
	// Resize the window and scene to 1280x720
	Window::Resize(1280, 720);

	// Background color (remove SRGB curve for a linear workflow)
	const ColorF backgroundColor = ColorF{ 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 }.removeSRGBCurve();

	// Texture for UV check (mipmapped. treat as SRGB texture in a linear workflow)
	const Texture uvChecker{ U"example/texture/uv.png", TextureDesc::MippedSRGB };

	// Multisample RenderTexture for a linear workflow
	const MSRenderTexture renderTexture{ Scene::Size(), TextureFormat::R8G8B8A8_Unorm_SRGB, HasDepth::Yes };

	// 3D debug camera (free camera)
	// Vertical FOV: 30, Eye position: (10, 16, -32)
	// Move: [W][S][A][D][E][X], View: [arrow keys]
	DebugCamera3D camera{ renderTexture.size(), 30_deg, Vec3{ 10, 16, -32 } };

	while (System::Update())
		// Update a camera

		// Set up a camera in the current 3D scene

		// [3D rendering]
			// Clear renderTexture with the background color,
			// then make renderTexture the render target for the current 3D scene
			const ScopedRenderTarget3D target{ renderTexture.clear(backgroundColor) };

			// Draw a floor
			Plane{ 64 }.draw(uvChecker);

			// Draw a box
			Box{ -8,2,0,4 }.draw(ColorF{ 0.8, 0.6, 0.4 }.removeSRGBCurve());

			// Draw a sphere
			Sphere{ 0,2,0,2 }.draw(ColorF{ 0.4, 0.8, 0.6 }.removeSRGBCurve());

			// Draw a cylinder
			Cylinder{ 8, 2, 0, 2, 4 }.draw(ColorF{ 0.6, 0.4, 0.8 }.removeSRGBCurve());

		// [2D rendering]
			// Flush 3D rendering commands before multisample resolve

			// Multisample resolve

			// Transfer renderTexture to the current 2D scene (default scene)