
Open Process Platform: An Erlang/OTP inspired C++ library

APACHE-2.0 License


Open Process Platform

OPP is an experimental C++ library that tries to use the ideas from Erlang/Elixir/OTP and adapt them to C++. This creates an optimistic framework which is highly fault tolerant.

This means:

  • Process oriented: The program may have thousands of mini processes that each
    do a small part.
  • Message oriented: All processes communicate ONLY by message passing. No shared
    memory, and no thread coordination.
  • Let it crash approach: When a process try to do something that may result in an
    error an exception is thrown and the process may stop. A supervisor then
    restarts the process, which ideally know how to start from where it stopped.


  • Easier multithreading a asynchronous programming.
  • No red/blue
    programming. You dont need to know if a function can block (blue) or has to
    be called in a asynchronous mode (red). All functions can block, and your
    code decides how to manage this asynchronicity. And waiting actually means
    that other processes get to go working, so actually the program don't
    stop because you are just waiting network data.
  • If a process calls a blocking function, the rest of the process have to
    continue working. To do this there is a standby thread that ensures there
    is process switching going on if there are waiting processes, so that never
    all working threads are waiting for I/O.

But with OPP it will be much easier to program asynchronous code. Actually you program many small synchronous tasks that interoperate, a system of processes, which has ensured high reliability.

Non goals and pitfals:

  • It is not maximal efficiency at all. Using message passing and context
    switches will never be more efficient that carefully crafted code that
    properly do the same with calls and careful error and exception checking.
    Also it uses exceptions which are more inefficient than plain error return
  • Segfaults still kill your code. This is important as in Erlang/Elixir there
    are no segfault possible, but with C++ it is high possible with all the
    hidden undefined behaviour (Who knows all undefined behaviour??).

Use cases

Any code that needs to communicate with several peers at the same time. For example files, databases, or network connections.

The old way to do this communication is ask for data and wait for answer. Or wait for request and give the response. Or use select-like functions to be able to listen to several at the same time. But this is a hell to do properly. What to do when you are waiting for data from the database then you receive another request that needs more data from the database. Are you waiting for the database answer, so the new request has to wait? Use threads and coordination primitives (mutex?)?

The new wave is about async/await and an event loop. But this has the red/blue problem.

The OPP way is have one process for each task and make them wait always. While they wait other processes can do their job. And using message passing there is no need for more coordination. And as it uses fibers it is more efficient than OS threads. And as it is actually multithreaded, and with some tricks, if you use normal blocking code, everything keeps working smoothly.

Let it crash

Ideas from the Zen of Erlang presentation.

There are two kind of errors: Heisenbugs and Bohrbugs.

Bohrbugs are plain old bugs. For the same input they always fail in the same way. These bugs are easy to correct. Just do a test and fix it. Statistically speaking they probability of they happening is 1.0 for a given function and data.

But Heisenbugs are bugs that when you look at them they dissapear. Statistically speaking the probability is less than 1.0. They depend not only on the inputs but also on the state of the application which is uncertain. And actually if your program depends on some external input, quite probably this is the most common of bugs you find. If the probability is very small, lets say 1e-6 (1 in a million), its very difficult to debug and fix. One would say almost impossible. But it will happen because computers are fast. Also there are some conditions that are impossible to avoid, like a network failure.

Of course you should be prepared for most of the possible contingencies your code may find. But.. what if the way to deal with it is just failing? This means that you code the happy path all the time. No worries for errors, and when any error appears, you just fail. And your supervisor starts another process to do the same job, hopefully this time with a cleaner state or fixed network connectivity. And if it fails many times, then really signal a failure.. maybe to another supervisor that knows how to deal with the problem. At process restart it can just get the same socket descriptor and keep using it, for example.

Instead of fighting problems, embrace them and use them to control you flow.

If you loose one connection in a million, and this causes the full system to fail this is a big problem. If you only make this connection to fail you have still a problem, but it is a smaller one. And if you know how to deal with when this connection fails to finally provide an answer even if it is trying again, suddenly you are a hero.

Of course errors are logged so you can inspect and correct the conditions that lead to it, if required.

To make this all work, its better to have functional data types, where you can not modify a map, for example, but you create a new map which is the original with some data changed. This way it is easy to avoid state dependent bugs. And then at restart of the function, with the same input, if it fails again.. suddenly your Eisenbug is now a Bohrbug. Same input with 1.0 probability of fail. And that is easier to fix and test.

Why C++

Exceptions. And many other small things. Other languages as Rust are super cool with the ownership guaranties, or even Go is half way to OTP, but without exceptions there is no way to make the let it crash mantra work. Or you do all the error checking, and then why have supervisors, or you have leaks.

With C++ exceptions and RTTI, you are guaranteed that whoever catches the exception is in a safe state regarding to resource allocation and release.

Also there is the great Boost/Fibers, and all the meta programming that helps in many places.

Technical details

Internally it uses a lot of Boost Fibers. So much that actually you can get almost the same results, maybe more efficiently just using boost fibers. But OPP adds the supervisors, processes, observer and more. Its a nice layer to make it even easier to use.

Boost fibers can be used in several threads at the same time, and have primitives to create queues.

This queues are used as message passing. Internally uses std::any as the message type to send (process->send(my_struct_msg{...})). And to receive it uses a custom match function.

When a sender sends a message to receiver process, it puts the message into the receiver's queue. If there is a match on that message type waiting, it is processed by the receiver. In any case the the sender continues processing. If there is no match it is enqueued to wait for when the receiver is interested in this message type.

There are two common patterns for message sending:

  • Send and forget. Just send the message. No wait for anything. This has the
    risk of maybe the receiver did not process it. Which in some cases is OK.
    Why did the receiver not processed it? Maybe died processing the message.
    As OPP is optimistic, it just means that the sender is fully asynchronous
    with receiver and require no answer.
  • Send and wait response. Send a message with a message reference and
    wait for the reference answer. Add to each message a ref attribute which
    is a unique id for each message, and wait for that ref to come back with
    the answer. And with timeouts just in case it takes long time.

Over these primitives there are many helper classes, as file management, networking, HTTP servers and clients...

As a control mechanism there are Supervisors, that manage groups of processes and in case of exception restart one, all, or fail depending on a custom strategy. Supervisor depend on linked processes and monitoring, which basically tells a process when another process dies, and the reason. Then this process can decide to do something about it, like starting it again, or die themselves.

Example code

The typical echo program (as of 2018-11-25 from examples):

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "io/tcp/server.hpp"
#include "io/tcp/peer.hpp"
#include "string.hpp"
#include "logger.hpp"
#include "vm.hpp"
#include "task.hpp"

int main(int argc, char **argv){

  if (argc!=3){
    OPP_ERROR("Requires 3 arguments");
    return 1;

  auto server = opp::start<opp::io::tcp::server>(argv[1], argv[2]);

    auto peer = server->wait_peer();

      opp::io::buffer_t data(1024);


Basically this example creates a TCP server at the address given by the arguments to the program, and waits for peers. When a new peer appears, it creates a new process task, which just reads and writes the same.

There is no need to control for peers closing connection, as if it tries to read from a closed socket, the read function will fail. The same for write. So when it closed, it fails, and memory is reclaimed.



  • Process
  • Message passing
  • Async IO / epoll
  • TCP Networking
  • Basic HTTP Server
  • Send/Send-Receive with references
  • Message matching
  • Improved exception information gathering: Keeps the stacktrace of the
    exception for later inspection.


  • Observer


  • Supervisors
  • GenServers
  • Never block. When processes call blocking code, ensure that there is always
    a process worker ready.


  • Multithreading. It should be using all the available threads, but I dont know
    why it always uses the same thread, even when there are other processes waiting
    execution. This requires a custom scheduler (on works).