
C++ wrapper around stdio that overloads the call operator to output fields

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An alternative to either stdio or iostreams

The standard C++ iostreams library is generally easier to use than stdio, if you don't particularly care about the shape of the output and have no resource constraints. No ugly .c_str() and the nasty "%" PRIu64-style formats needed to consistently output integers across different platforms.

Embedded platforms can benefit from the better program structuring and abstraction capabilities of C++ over C, although as always you have to know what you're doing. Even so, embedded developers still prefer stdio. iostreams is a large and sprawling library, and it represents a measurable cost in systems with limited program space. Even std::string is now entangled with iostreams. I've written about this unfortunate [state of affairs] before, but the standard is the standard.

Apart from the bloat, getting precise output with iostreams is harder than with stdio - once you've marshalled all the necessary manipulators to force the correct format, the result is more verbose. Then there are some misfeatures; a lot of people don't know that endl is more than just a line-end; it flushes the stream. They wonder why their C++ programs have such bad I/O performance and end up on Stackoverflow.

Basic outstreams: Writer and StrWriter

Here are the basic capabilties of outstreams. The Writer class can be initialized with a standard stream (like stdout and stderr, or a file name. The object maintans ownership of the FILE* in this case, so destruction closes the file. Writer is overridable so constructing strings is straightforward, avoiding the ugliness of naked sprintf. Everything is inside the stream namespace, although I'm careful to avoid collisions with std

using namespace stream;
double x = 1.2;
const char *msg = "hello";
int i = 42;

outs.fmt("%g %s %d",x,msg,i);
// --> 1.2 hello 42

// dtor closes file
Writer("/tmp/myfile").fmt("answer = %d\n",i);

// StrWriter converts to std::string
string s = StrWriter().fmt("greeting is '%s'",msg);
// s = "greeting is 'hello'"

Using the Call Operator for Fun and Profit

These are modest advantages, but outstreams goes further. A char separator can be defined between fields, and operator() is overriden to mean 'write out a field"

// assuming above declarations
outs.sep(' ');
// separator is 'sticky' - remains set until reset.

// --> 1.2 hello 42

// --> 'hello'

The advantage of the call operator is that it may have extra optional arguments, in this case an explicit format. "'%s'" is a bit clumsy, so quote_s can be used here (quote_d for double quotes). The real power of these constants is when applied to multiple fields, since only the string fields will obey it.

The standard algorithm for_each can be used to dump out a container, since it expects a _callable.

vector<int> vi {10,20,30};
// ---> 10 20 30

Support for Containers

The above idiom is common enough that there is a template version of operator() for displaying the elements of a container. Note that the sticky separator is not used - since we cannot guarantee it will be suitable; you provide a separator in addition to the usual format. The trace() adapter takes two forms; the first wraps a container and the second an explicit iterator range.

// default format, list separator
// --> 10,20,30

outs(range(vi),"'%d'",' ')('\n');
// --> '10' '20' '30'

int arr[] {10,20,30};
outs(range(arr,arr+3),0,' ')('\n');
// --> 10 20 30

string s = "\xFE\xEE\xAA";
outs(range(s),hex_u)("and that's all")('\n');
// --> FEEEAA and that's all

hex_u and hex_l are constants for hex format; if you try the obvious '%X' you will notice the problem; without the length modifier the value is printed out as an int and sign-extended.

In the C++11 standard there is a marvelous class called std::intializer_list which is implicitly used in bracket initialization of containers. We overload it directly to support brace lists of objects of the same type; there is also an overload for std::pair

// --> 10 20 30

// little burst of JSON - note "Q" format!
// --> { "hello":42,"dolly":99,"frodo":111 }

// which will also work when iterating over `std::map`

Overriding Writer

Here is StrWriter presented in inline form for convenience. write_char is used to output any separator and '\n' at the end of lines; write_out takes a format and a va_list.

static char buf[128];

class StrWriter: public Writer {
    std::string s;
    StrWriter(char sepr=0, size_t capacity = 0)
    : Writer(stderr)
        if (capacity != 0) {

    std::string str() { return s; }
    operator std::string () { return s; }
    void clear() { s.clear(); }

    virtual void write_char(char ch) {
        s += ch;

    virtual void write_out(const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
        int nch = vsnprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),fmt,ap);
    virtual Writer& flush() { return *this; }

No doubt this can be improved (keep a resizable line buffer) but this is intended as a humble 'serving suggestion'.

The more common form of extension in iostreams is to teach it to output your own types, simply by adding yet another overload for operator<<. Alas, operator() may only be defined as a method of a type. In the first version of this library I had an ugly and inconsistent scheme, and finally settled on an old-fashioned solution; your types must implement a Writeable interface:

struct Point: public Writeable {
    int X;
    int Y;

    Point(int X, int Y) : X(X),Y(Y) {}

    void write_to(Writer& w, const char *format) {



Point P(10,100);
// --> (10,20)

Output in a Hurry

There are some kinds of debugging which can only be done by selectively dumping out values, for instance real-time or heavily-threaded code. outstreams provides a useful low-cost alternative for printf here where the exact formatting isn't so important.

#define VA(var) (#var "=")(var,quote_s)
string full_name;
uint64_t  id_number;
outs VA(full_name) VA(id_number)();
// --> full_name "bonzo the dog" id_number 666
#define VX64(var) (#var)(var,"%#016" PRIX64)
outs VX64(id_number) ();
// --> id_number 0X0000000000029A

// if the FILE* is NULL, then a Writer instance converts to false
// can say logs.set(nullptr) to switch off tracing
#define TRACE if (logs) logs ("TRACE")
TRACE VA(full_name) ();

Speaking of speed, how much speed are we losing relative to stdio?

speedtest.cpp writes a million lines to a file; each line consists of five double values separated by spaces. Obviously we are calling the underlying formatted write function a lot more, but in the end it makes little difference, except that using iostreams seems rather slower:

stdio 2720ms
outstreams 2937ms
iostreams 4541ms

'scanf' Considered Harmful

Many still like using the printf family of functions, but the reputation of the scanf family is less certain, even among C programmers. The problem is that handling errors with scanf is a mission. Jonathan Leffler on Stackoverflow expresses the conventional wisdom: "I don't use scanf() in production code; it is just too damn hard to control properly". And (for that matter) neither have I.

However, there are some immediate advantages to doing a wrapper around fgets. Here is the very useful 'all lines in a file' pattern.

#include "instream.h"
string line;
Reader inf("instream.cpp");
while (inf.getline(line)) {

This is very much like the standard iostreams way of doing things; Reader objects convert to a status bool, so this loop will end when we hit an error, which is usually EOF. The file handle will be closed when inf goes out of scope.

Another way to do this is use the template method getlines, which will work with any container that understands push_back. This has a convenient optional argument that is the maximum number of lines you wish to collect.

vector<string> lines;
Reader inf("instream.cpp");

There is a read(void *,int) for reading binary objects, and readall(string&) which slurps in the whole file without needing to know its size. (std::string is a very flexible data structure, if considered as a bunch of bytes, since its size does not depend on any silly NUL ending in the data.)

A Symmetrical approach to Wrapping stdio Input

One way to explore an idea is to see how far you can push it. Reader overloads operator() just like Writer:

int i;
double x;
string s;

Reader rdr("input-test.txt");
// first line is '1 3.14 lines'
rdr (i) (x) (s);

Which is certainly compact! But in an imperfect world, there are errors.

The approach I take is for Reader to note errors when they first occur and thereafter perform no input operations. So even if this file doesn't exist no terrible things will happen. But you must check the error state afterwards!

if (! rdr) {

This just gives you a descriptive error string. More details are available using Reader::Error which is read as a pseudo-input-field.

Reader::Error err;
if (! rdr (i) (x) (s) (err)) {

If the input line had a non-convertable field - say it is "1 xx3 lines" - then the error message will look like "error reading double '%lf%n' 'xx'" and err.pos will tell you where in the file this happened. Although not strictly necessary, it is useful to check the error as soon as possible, close to the context where it happened.

Reading Strings and the Output of Commands

Reader is overrideable, like Writer. In particular, can use StrReader to parse strings - this overrides raw_read_line and read_fmt. I went to some trouble to track position in the stream manually (using '%n') and not depend on the underlying FILE*, precisely to make this specialization possible.

This is useful because C++ string handling is not very complete and instream operations complement them well, just as with std::istrstream. Strings come to us from many sources that are not files.

CmdReader wraps popen and overrides close_handle so that pclose is called on the handle after destruction. stderr is redirected to stdout so that the stream captures all of the output, good or bad.

vector<string> header_files;
CmdReader("ls *.h").getlines(header_files);

A common pattern is to invoke a simple command and capture the first line of output. Can use getline but a convenient line method is provided:

string platform = CmdReader("uname").line();

There is no reliable way of getting the actual error when using popen, so workarounds are useful. If it is a command where there is no output, or the output is unneeded, then a shell trick is to silence all output and conditionally execute a following command.

if (CmdReader("true",cmd_ok).line() == "OK") {
    outs("true is OK");
if (CmdReader("false",cmd_ok).line() != "OK") {
    outs("false is not OK");

if (CmdReader("g++",cmd_retcode) == "4") {
    outs("no files provided")();