
PE malware training exercises


Shellcode development and PE Injection

This project is designed to understand the shellcode development, Portable Executable (PE) file structure and the process of injecting shellcode by modifying its structure.


  • PE Parsing: This program extracts information from PE Headers, including sections, imported modules and more.
  • TCP reverse shell: A shellcode written in MASM that sets up backdoor on Windows. It adds itself to the registry for persistence, establishes a reverse shell to the attacker and dynamically resolves API functions and system calls at run time.
  • Shellcode Injection: Create new section in the PE file and inject tcp reverse shell into it.


This project is designed for educational purposes only.

How to use the reverse shell

Start the listener on port 4444 on the attack machine using netcat nc -lvp 4444 . Make sure to change the ip address of the attacker in the shellcode first.