The source code of PGD-VAE


This is the official Pytorch implementation of Deep Generative Model for Periodic Graphs accepted by NeurIPS 2022:

  title={Deep Generative Model for Periodic Graphs},
  author={Wang, Shiyu and Guo, Xiaojie and Zhao, Liang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.11932},

The code for PGD-VAE is adapted from the code of GRAN: Efficient graph generation with graph recurrent attention networks.

Running environment:

Python 3.9; PyTorch 1.8.1, networkx 2.5, scipy, numpy, pyyaml


  1. Data: QMOF, MeshSeg and synthetic datasets have been processed and provided in the repository as:
  • QMOF: MOFGraphs.p, MOFUnitCells.p
  • MeshSeg: MeshSeqGraphs.p, MeshSegUnitCells.p
  • Synthetic: SynGraphs.p, SynUnitCells.p
  1. To download the original datasets:
  • Original QMOF data can be downloaded from here.
  • Original MeshSeg data can be downloaded from here.
  • Synthetic data is synthesized manually by the paper.
  1. The code to extract and generate data from original QMOF and MeshSeg datasets have been provided in the package as:
  • QMOF:
  • MeshSeg:

Arguments of code

  1. data = {synthetic, mesh, qmof}
  2. lr: learning rate
  3. epoch: epochs
  4. train = {True, False}
  5. eval = {True, False}

Training the model

To train the model using synthetic data and 100 epochs with learning rate of 0.001:

python --data synthetic --train True --epoch 100 --lr 0.001


  1. The trained model will be saved as "{data}" in the working directory.
  2. The default dataset to be trained is the synthetic dataset. To train the model on another datasets please specify the dataset after --data argument.
  3. To train the model with different penalties on KL divergence terms, please manually modify the code in , line 293.

Evaluating the model

To evaluate trained model:

python --data synthetic --train False --eval True


  1. Functions for evaluation purpose are wrapped up in
  • compute_kld(): degree, cluster, orbit
  • check_uniqueness(): uniqueness
  • novelty_metric(): novelty