
A TouchDesigner channel operator for phase-staggered animations

MIT License




Let's review a basic easing function often called "ease-in".

float easeIn(float pct) {
  return pct * pct;

Note that easeIn(0)==0 and easeIn(1)==1. This is a normal requirement of easing functions. You give it 0; you get 0. You give it 1; you get 1. All of the animation in between is up to you, either through keyframing or designing more complex equations.

What if we had a more generalized approach to easing where multiple items could go through the same easing animation but with staggered offsets or phases? This function should be easy to use and formatted like easeIn. The first input should be like pct. When this argument is 0, the function should return 0 no matter what, and when the argument is 1, it should return 1 no matter what. The next argument should represent the phase of an item as well as an overall "phase-separation-amount". And now...

The Phaser GLSL Function

float phaser(float pct, float phase, float edge) {
    return clamp( (phase-1.+pct*(1.+edge))/edge, 0., 1.);
  • pct: [0,1]
  • phase: [0,1]
  • edge: (0, infinity]

The properties of phaser can also be summed up like this:

  • When pct is 0, phaser returns 0, regardless of the other variables.
  • When pct is 1, phaser returns 1, regardless of the other variables.
  • All else equal, a larger phase causes phaser to return 1 sooner.
  • All else equal, a larger edge causes differences in phase to matter less.
  • All else equal, a smaller edge causes differences in phase to matter more. (Corollary to previous)
  • An infinitely large edge makes phaser equivalent to clamp(pct, 0., 1.) (a linear easing function with a clamp). However, the point of phaser is to not use an infinitely large edge.

More thoroughly:

  • pct (short for "percent") is like the pct in easeIn. It should be between 0 and 1 inclusive.
  • For phase, imagine an animation function f(pct) and another f(pct+phase). If phase is larger, the sample is further down the animation timeline.
  • For edge, imagine two different phase values A and B where A<B. Our phaser function will be called in parallel for both a phase A and a phase B for a shared time pct. These parallel output values of A and B will go from 0 to 1 but at different start times and end times. Imagine neither output of A or B has become non-zero. Because B has the larger phase, its output can move from 0 to 1 over a duration D. At exactly the moment B finishes by reaching 1, A's output can begin to animate over the same duration D. Because B finishes at exactly the moment A begins, the difference between A and B is defined as the edge size. The trick of the phaser function is that we get to play with the constant edge parameter and the constant phase values rather than think about the D duration value. Instead of D, our timeline's overall duration comes from how long we take to animate pct from 0 to 1.

How To Use PhaserCHOP in TouchDesigner

The first input to PhaserCHOP is the pct from the GLSL function. This is different from the first version of PhaserCHOP. It should be one sample and one channel. Channels other than the first and samples other than the last will be ignored. When pct is 0, PhaserCHOP will return 0 for all input phase samples. When pct is 1, it will return 1 for all phase samples. Typically, you linearly bring pct from 0 to 1, but you could do it at different speeds or directions.

The second input to the PhaserCHOP works as an N-channel list of S phase samples. N is often 1 but doesn't need to be. S can be very large. Although S can be as small as 1, you probably don't need the PhaserCHOP to animate only one sample. Most importantly, the phase input typically does not need to animate/cook every frame. You can swap it out an opportune times for different phases, like when pct is 0 or 1, but you probably shouldn't be animating it in a complicated way.

The third input to PhaserCHOP is the edge parameter from the GLSL function. Typically you don't connect anything here. Instead you use the Custom Parameter Edge on the node itself. If you do want to wire into this third input, it should match the channels and samples of the phase input. If it doesn't exactly match, it will use as many samples/channels as possible before reusing the last channel or last sample.

The first custom parameter is Edge, as explained earlier. It only matters if you don't wire a third input.

The second custom parameter is Nsamples. If you don't provide a phase input, then the phase will automatically be a ramp from 1 to 0 with Nsamples-many samples.

The third custom parameter is Outputformat, currently either "One Channel" or "Multi-Channel". One-channel is the default behavior, and Multi-Channel is like using a ShuffleCHOP to swap channels and samples.


The PhaserCHOP is now a built-in operator: Be sure to check out the examples in the Op Snippets.

To build the file yourself, open PhaserCHOP.sln and press F5 in either Debug mode or Release Mode. A post-build event will copy the newly built DLL into Plugins.

The PhaserCHOP.toe in this repo is mainly meant to be a unit test. For more interesting examples, check out and David Braun's "Quantitative Easing" 2019 TouchDesigner Summit Talk.


  • 2020-08-21 v2.0 Breaking change: Phase and Time inputs have been swapped.
  • 2020-06-15 More flexibility in using the third wired "edge" input. Better test cases in .toe file for extremely small edge values. Follow C++ style guide.
  • 2020-06-01 Better unit test SmoothstepCHOP.toe for Custom Operator. Build with TouchDesigner 2020.22080. Cleanup repo by removing non-custom operator. All releases are now on the Releases page.
  • 2019-08-07 create a Custom Operator version for TD 2019.17550.
  • 2019-07-04 working version.
