
evolution simulation software


Planet Evo

Evolution simulation software


  • libglm-dev - C++ library for OpenGL GLSL type-based mathematics

DNA & Reproduction

In this project, DNA is an array of instructions. Each instruction is 2 bytes. The first byte is the opcode, and the second byte is a value. When a value is out of range, it is wrapped around (using modulus for example) as many times as necessary until a value in range is found.

Each cell (particle) of an organism has a complete intact listing of its DNA, as well as a "currently executing" DNA. There is a pointer to the current index in the currently executing DNA which henceforth will be named "PC". The "currently executing" DNA may be modified in place during the course of DNA execution.

When cell division occurs, the original cell is left intact, and a new cell forms in one of the cardinal or diagonal directions. The new cell inherits the "currently executing" DNA along with the PC as well as the intact listing. Now both cells will continue executing their now independent DNA programs at the same position. Some state is different for each cell, however. For example, cell age is 0 for the new cell and nonzero for the old cell.

When cell death occurs, all stored energy is released, and the cell stops executing DNA code.

There are 2 registers, X and Y. Instead of parameters being data following the instructions, all parameters are global variables and each have their own instruction to set.

All instructions are 2 bytes each. Since all instructions are the same size, mutations can be more easily and predictably applied on an instruction-by-instruction basis.

Note: This explanation in the README file will not be kept up to date with the actual implementation. It serves to explain how it works, but the details may be incorrect.

Core Instructions

  • 0 - Noop.
  • 1 - Perform cell death.
  • 2 - Jump. Parameters:
    • JumpOperandLeft(ValueSource)
    • JumpOperandRight(ValueSource)
    • JumpComparison(Comparison)
    • JumpLabel(CodeLabel)
  • 3 - Perform cell division. Parameters:
    • CellDivisionEnergyForNewCell(ValueSource)
    • CellDivisionDirection(Direction8)
    • CellDivisionNewCellType(NewCellType)
    • CellDivisionForkLabel(CodeLabel)
    • CellDivisionContingencyPlan(BlockOrContinue)
  • 4 - Wait. Parameters:
    • WaitSource(ValueSource)
  • 5 - Update a register with a value. Parameters:
    • UpdateRegisterSource(ValueSource)
    • UpdateRegisterDest(Register)
  • 6 - Perform a calculation. Parameters:
    • CalcOperandLeft(ValueSource)
    • CalcOperandRight(ValueSource)
    • CalcOperation(Operation)
    • CalcDest(Register)
  • 7 - Modify DNA. Parameters:
    • ModifyDnaLabel(CodeLabel)
    • ModifyDnaSource(ValueSource)

Parameter Setting Instructions

  • 8 - CellDivisionEnergyForNewCell - default 5
  • 9 - CellDivisionDirection - default up
  • A - CellDivisionNewCellType - default none
  • B - CellDivisionForkLabel - default 0
  • C - CellDivisionContingencyPlan - default block
  • D - JumpOperandLeft - default Register X
  • E - JumpOperandRight - default Register X
  • F - JumpComparison - default left operand is non-zero
  • G - JumpLabel - default 0 (no jump - continue on next instruction)
  • H - WaitSource - default value 2
  • I - UpdateRegisterSource - default none
  • J - UpdateRegisterDest - default none
  • K - CalcOperandLeft - default none
  • L - CalcOperandRight - default none
  • M - CalcOperation - default left operand
  • N - CalcDest - default none
  • O - ModifyDnaLabel - default 1
  • P - ModifyDnaSource - default register X
  • Q - ValueSourceDirection - default up
  • R - ValueSourceNumber - default 0
  • S - ValueSourceLabel - default 1
  • T - ProgramEndBehavior(BlockOrContinue) - default continue

Parameter Values

All parameter values have a size of 256. If a value exceeds the bounds, it wraps.


  • 0 - none - this operation is a noop
  • 1 - register X
  • 2 - register Y


  • 0 - None. This operation is a noop.
  • 1 - Register X.
  • 2 - Register Y.
  • 3 - Cell age.
  • 4 - Organism age.
  • 5 - The value 0.
  • 6 - The value 1.
  • 7 - The value 2.
  • 8 - Type of particle to the ValueSourceDirection(Direction8).
  • 9 - Count of cells in organism.
  • A - Cell energy value.
  • B - The value 3.
  • C - The value 4.
  • D - The value 5.
  • E - Boolean whether particle to ValueSourceDirection(Direction8) is same organism.
  • F - Boolean whether particle to ValueSourceDirection(Direction8) is same cell type.
  • G - ValueSourceNumber(Number)
  • H - ValueSourceLabel(CodeLabel)
  • I - My own cell type.


  • 0 - Never
  • 1 - Always
  • 2 - Left operand is zero
  • 3 - Left operand greater than right operand
  • 4 - Left operand less than right operand
  • 5 - Left operand equal right operand
  • 6 - Left operand greator or equal to right operand
  • 7 - Left operand less or equal to right operand
  • 8 - Right operand is non-zero
  • 9 - Right operand is zero
  • A - Left operand is non-zero


  • 0 - left operand
  • 1 - 1
  • 2 - 2
  • 3 - 0
  • 4 - left operand + 1
  • 5 - left operand + 2
  • 6 - right operand
  • 7 - right operand + 1
  • 8 - right operand + 2
  • 9 - left operand + right operand
  • A - left operand - right operand
  • B - right operand - left operand
  • C - -left operand - right operand
  • D - left operand / right operand
  • E - right operand / left operand
  • F - left operand * 2
  • G - right operand * 2
  • H - left operand mod right operand
  • I - right operand mod left operand
  • J - return which is smaller: left or right operand
  • K - return which is larger: left or right operand
  • L - left operand * right operand


Number of bytes offset [0, 255]. When a mutation occurs, this number is adjusted to point to the same location.


  • 0 - up
  • 1 - down
  • 2 - left
  • 3 - right
  • 4 - top/left
  • 5 - top/right
  • 6 - bottom/left
  • 7 - bottom/right


  • 0 - None - this instruction is a noop
  • 1 - Chloro
  • 2 - Fiber


  • 0 - Block - stay on this instruction until conditions are satisfied
  • 1 - Continue - ignore this instruction if conditions are not satisfied


Integer from [0, 255]

Particles and Cells

Note: this is all vaporware right now, I'm just writing this as brainstorming.

The world in planet-evo is made up of free-floating particles.

Some particles are organic. These are called cells and they have DNA as outlined above.

Here are some ideas for particles:

  • Photon - generated at a fixed interval.
  • Chloro - Absorbs Photon and generates 1 energy.
  • HerbivoreEnzyme - Absorbs Chloro and generates 2 energy.
  • CarnivoreEnzyme - Absorbs HerbivoreEnzyme or CarnivoreEnzyme and generates 2 energy.
  • Fiber - provides structure; other particles can attach to it.
  • Propeller - provides thrust. DNA sets direction and strength. Can be overriden by neurons.
  • Neuron - provides a neural network. Sensors are input nodes and Propellers are output nodes.
  • Membrane - a little tougher than other particles. DNA sets color.
  • Nerve - connects Neurons to each other and Sensors and Propellers.
  • ColorSensor - senses the first color of the particle that it encounters, in
    a direction specified by DNA, limited to a fixed distance away.
  • Lens - when touching a ColorSensor, adds to the visability range.
  • Fat - stores excess energy.
  • Pigment - color is an output that can be controlled by neurons.
  • Reproductive - DNA can toggle whether on or off. When on, sucks up energy from
    nearby cells. When has enough, uses DNA from nearby cells as parents for new cell.

Other ideas:

  • Each cell type has some properties:
    • max age before cell death
    • mass
    • how much energy is drained per turn
    • what food type the cell is turned into when it dies