
Box2D QML plugin

ZLIB License


QML Box2D plugin

The goal of the qml-box2d plugin is to expose the functionality of Box2D (C++) as a QML plugin in order to make it easier to write physics based software in QML.

This plugin is meant to be installed to your Qt/imports directory, or shipped in a directory of which the parent is added as import path.

Build Status


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . (or "make")
cmake --build . --target install (or "make install")

Multiple CMake options exist:

  • USE_QT6 (ON by default) to use Qt6 if it is installed. If set to OFF or Qt6 is not installed, it will look for Qt5 (5.12 minimal).
  • USE_SYSTEM_BOX2D (OFF by default) to use the system box2D library if already installed. Note that it only works for Box2D 2.3.1.
  • BUILD_EXAMPLES (ON by default) to build the examples along with the plugin. It will generate a binary box2qml-examples in the bin folder that you can run.
  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS (ON by default) to build either a STATIC or SHARED library.

Installing on Debian

debuild -uc -us -b
sudo dpkg -i ../qml-box2d_*.deb

Running the Examples

You can run the examples launcher from a Terminal/Cmd prompt with:

qmlscene examples/ui.qml

(You need to be in the root folder of qml-box2d.)


The standard plugin (dynamically linked) runs well on Mac, Window and Linux. The qml-box2d plugin can be linked statically to run on both iOS and Android.

Using Qt Creator

For running you can use a "Custom Executable" configuration set to run "qmlscene" with the right parameters.

When you have write permissions to Qt's import path, it can be convenient to add a deployment step to your run settings:

  • Go to Projects -> box2d -> Run Settings
  • Choose Add Deploy Step -> Make
  • Enter "install" under "Make arguments"

This will make sure that before running, the version of the plugin is updated in Qt's import path.

Example Screenshots

(These screenshots have been done on an iPad Air)