
A simple cross-platform ray tracing engine for 3D graphics rendering.

MIT License


RayGen Renderer

A simple, cross-platform ray tracing engine for 3D graphics rendering.


cube room Cube Room

cube room Cube Room (Reflection Version)

sphere array Spheres & Materials

suzanne Suzanne (Glass)

suzanne Suzanne (Jade)

real life application A real-life application: Office Rendering

real life application top view A real-life application: Office Rendering (Top View)


The following build scripts and projects are available in this repository:

Platform Folder Build tool
macOS (Intel) build/mac-intel GNU Make
macOS (Apple Silicon) build/mac-m GNU Make
macOS projects/raygen.xcodeproj Xcode
Linux build/linux GNU Make
Windows projects/raygen-win32/raygen.sln Visual Studio

Example of using GNU Make on Linux and macOS platforms:

cd build/<platform>


$ ./raygen <command> <sceneFile.json> [output_image] [-options]


$ ./raygen render ../../resources/scenes/cubeRoom/cubeRoom.json -s 100 -enaa true


Option Description
-r, --resolution Specifies the resolution of the output image.
-s, --samples Number of samples (rays from the camera).
-c, --cores, --threads Number of threads used for parallel rendering.
-ds, --dofs, --dof-samples Number of samples for depth of field calculation.
-enaa, --enable-antialias Enables ray-sample-based anti-aliasing (default: on).
-encs, --enable-color-sampling Enables color sampling from textures (default: on).
-enpp, --enable-postprocess Enables post-processing effects like bloom and gamma correction.
-d, --shader Specifies the shading system (see below for options).
--focus-obj Automatically sets the camera to focus on a specified object (by name).
--dump Dumps the scene definition.

Shading system: (specified by -d or --shader argument)

Value Name Description
0 Simple Shading Basic shading using Lambertian reflectance (no lighting or texture sampling).
1 Ambient Occlusion Renders ambient occlusion only.
2 Lambert Shading Lambert shading with directional lighting and texture sampling.
3 Lambert Shading + AO Lambert shading with directional lighting, texture sampling, and ambient occlusion.
4 (Reserved)
5 BSDF BSDF Shading with global illumination (default shading system).

Shading system comparison:

Value Name Directional Lighting Indirect Lighting Ambient Occlusion Global Illumination Transparency Reflection/Refraction
0 Simple Shading - - - - - -
1 Ambient Occlusion - - Yes - - -
2 Lambert Shading Yes - - - Yes -
3 Lambert Shading + AO Yes - Yes - Yes -
4 (Reserved)
5 BSDF Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scene Format

A RayGen scene is described using a JSON file structured as follows:


  obj1: {
    location: [x, y, z],
    angle: [x, y, z],
    scale: [x, y, z],
    mesh: "path/to/mesh.mesh",
    mat: {
      color: [r, g, b] or "#d0d0d0",
      tex: "path/to/texture.png",
      glossy: 0.0 to 1.0,
      roughness: 0.0 to 1.0,
      transparency: 0.0 to 1.0,
      refraction: 0.0 to 1.0,
  obj2: {


  • location: Specifies the position of the object in 3D space.
  • angle: Rotation of the object along the x, y, and z axes.
  • scale: Scaling factors for the object along the x, y, and z axes.
  • mesh: Path to the object's mesh file.
  • mat: Material properties of the object:
    • color: RGB color values or a hexadecimal color code (e.g., "#d0d0d0").
    • tex: Path to the texture file.
    • glossy: Glossiness level, ranging from 0 (no gloss) to 1 (fully glossy).
    • roughness: Surface roughness, ranging from 0 (smooth) to 1 (rough).
    • transparency: Transparency level, ranging from 0 (opaque) to 1 (fully transparent).
    • refraction: Refraction index, ranging from 0 to 1.

Mesh File Formats

RayGen supports the following mesh file formats:

  • RayGen Original Binary Mesh Format: This format includes the mesh's data such as vertices, normals, texture coordinates, and more.
  • .obj File Format: A widely-used 3D object file format. RayGen can read vertices, normals, faces, texture coordinates, and material information from .obj files.
  • FBX File Format: Currently not supported but under development.

Test Scenes

Several sample scenes for rendering can be found inside the resources/scenes folder:

  • Cube Room - A well-known scene featuring two cubes, commonly used to benchmark ray-tracing engines.
  • Sphere Array - A scene with five spheres demonstrating various material types.
  • suzanne - The Suzanne model, used to showcase transparency and refraction materials.

Dependency modules

The following modules are required to build this software and can be found in the /inc folder as git submodules:


Released under the MIT License.

Copyright © Jingwood, unvell Inc. All Rights Reserved.