
ROS package for a 2D path planner using the Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRT) algorithm


Rapidly Exploring Random Tree (RRT) Planner

ROS package for a 2D path planner using the Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRT) algorithm. This repository contains two packages.

roslaunch planner rrt_planner.launch


Clone this repository in a catkin workspace and run the following command to build the packages:

catkin build


The planner package provides an implementation of the RRT algorithm.

To run the rrt planner node:

roslaunch planner rrt_planner_node.launch

The following parameters can be set in the launch file:

  • map_topic (default: "/map"): Topic where the map is published (type: nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
  • goal_topic (default: "/goal"): Topic where goal is published (type: geometry_msgs/Pose2D)
  • pose_topic (default: "/pose"): Topic where starting position is published (type: geometry_msgs/Pose2D)
  • max_vertices (default: 1500): Maximum vertices to be added to graph after which goal search should be stopped
  • step_size (default: 20): Size of steps. Bigger steps means smaller graphs but more time and vice versa


The mapping package provides a minimalistic GUI to draw obstacles in a 2D environment and choose starting position and goal.

To run the mapping node:

roslaunch mapping mapping_node.launch

The following parameters can be set in the launch file:

  • map_topic (default: "/map"): Topic where the map should be published (type: nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
  • goal_topic (default: "/goal"): Topic where goal should be published (type: geometry_msgs/Pose2D)
  • pose_topic (default: "/pose"): Topic where starting position should be published (type: geometry_msgs/Pose2D)
  • height (default: 500): Height of map
  • width (default: 500): Width of map
  • resolution (default: 0.05): Resolution of map
  • save_map (default: "none"): If this parameter is set, the created map will be stored to this path
  • load_map (default: "none"): If this parameter is set, map will be loaded from an image file at this path

When running the mapping node:

  • Press 'q' to quit
  • Press 's' to save and move on
  • Press numbers to the keyboard to change width of paint brush
  • Right-click to toggle between eraser and paint brush
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