
The RTIViewer enables you to view and explore Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) files at very high resolution (Polynomial Texture Maps, Hemispherical Harmonics Map, and Multiview RTI). You can view image files stored on your local file system, and remote files through HTTP.

GPL-3.0 License



This software is available under the Gnu General Public License version 3.

This tool, designed for cultural heritage and natural science application, was
primarily developed by the Italian National Research Council's (CNR) Institute
for Information Science and Technology's (ISTI) Visual Computing Laboratory
(http://vcg.isti.cnr.it). The work was financed by Cultural Heritage Imaging
with majority funding from the US Institute of Museum and Library Services'
(IMLS) and National Leadership Grant Program (award number LG-25-06-010706).
RTIViewer also contains significant software and design contributions from the
University of California at Santa Cruz; the Universities do Minho in Portugal;
Tom Malzbender, formerly of HP Labs; and Cultural Heritage Imaging.

The updated 1.1 version of the RTIViewer software and User Guide was partially
funded by a 21st Century Museum Professionals grant from the IMLS, along with
volunter efforts and private contributions. The Bookmarks feature added in the
1.1 release is based on work done by Leif Isaksen of the University of
Southampton, UK. We would especially like to acknowledge the work of Ronald
Bourret and Gianpaolo Palma for the development work for this release.


How to compile RTIViewer

To compile RTIViewer you need a C++ compiling environment and the following libraries:

The compiling step depends on the compiling environment. Using GCC (both under linux and using the mingw gcc provided with the free Qt distribution) you should just type:

git submodule init git submodule update qmake -recursive rtiviewerv10.pro make

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