
GPU code for the first SHA-1 collision attack and two freestart attacks

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SHA-1 GPU near-collision attacks


This repository contains the source code belonging to three scientific publications:

  • Practical free-start collision attacks on 76-step SHA-1, Pierre Karpman, Thomas Peyrin, and Marc Stevens, CRYPTO 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9215, Springer, 2015, pp. 623-642.

    This publication introduces the efficient GPU framework for SHA-1 collision finding, improvements of cryptanalytic tools, and a freestart attack on 76-step SHA-1. The runtime cost is roughly 5 days on 1 NVIDIA GTX-970 GPU and was executed on the GPU cluster of Thomas Peyrin.

  • Freestart collision for full SHA-1, Marc Stevens, Pierre Karpman, Thomas Peyrin, EUROCRYPT 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9665, Springer, 2016, pp. 459-483.

    This publication introduces a freestart attack on 80-step SHA-1, further improvements of cryptanalytic tools, and presents a cost analysis for a (normal) collision attack for full SHA-1. The runtime cost is roughly 640 days on 1 NVIDIA GTX-970 GPU and was executed on the GPU cluster of Thomas Peyrin.

    See also

  • The first collision for full SHA-1, Marc Stevens, Elie Bursztein, Pierre Karpman, Ange Albertini, Yarik Markov, CRYPTO 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10401, Springer, 2017, pp. 570-596.

    This publication presents a complete collision attack on full SHA-1 and further improvements of cryptanalytic tools. The majority of the runtime cost is roughly 102 years on 1 NVIDIA GTX-970 GPU and was executed on a distributed GPU system of Google. Note that only the second near-collision attack was implemented for GPU and is released here without the changes to adapt it to Google's proprietary build and job systems. The first near-collision attack of this project was already published in EUROCRYPT 2013 and is available at

    See also



  • C++11 compiler compatible with CUDA SDK

  • autotools


  • autoreconf --install

  • ./configure [--with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda-X.X] [--enable-cudagencode=50,52]

  • make

Find your own 76-round SHA-1 freestart collision

  • Expected GPU runtime: 5 days on a single GTX-970

  • mkdir fs76; cd fs76

  • ../

  • Example manual usage of tools:

    1. bin/freestart76_basesolgen --genbasesol --seed 4_23_152443400808031284 --maxbasesols 262144 -o fs76_basesols.bin

    2. bin/freestart76_gpuattack --cudaattack -i fs76_basesols.bin -o fs76_q56sols.bin

    3. bin/freestart76_basesolgen --verifyQ56 -i fs76_q56sols.bin | grep Found -B88 -A52

Find your own 80-round SHA-1 freestart collision

  • Expected GPU runtime: 640 days on a single GTX-970

  • Generate basesolutions (32 base64-encoded per textline)

bin/freestart80_basesolgen -g -o fs80_basesols.txt -m 1024

  • Run GPU attack (generates 60-step solutions):

bin/freestart80_gpuattack -a -i fs80_basesols.txt -o fs80_q60sols.txt

  • Check for collision among 60-step solutions:

bin/freestart80_basesolgen -v -i fs80_q60sols.txt | grep Found -B88 -A52

  • Repeat until collision found

Find your own shattered 2nd near-collision block pair

  • Expected GPU runtime: 102 years on a single GTX-970

  • Generate basesolutions (32 base64-encoded per textline)

bin/shatterednc2_basesolgen -g -o nc2_basesols.txt -m 1024

  • Run GPU attack:

bin/shatterednc2_gpuattack -a -i nc2_basesols.txt -o nc2_q61sols.txt

  • Check for collision among 61-step solutions:

bin/shatterednc2_basesolgen -v -i nc2_q61sols.txt | grep Found -B88 -A52

  • Repeat until collision found