
A simple Arduino library to make interfacing and reacting on buttons or other inputs easier.

MIT License



A simple Arduino library to make interfacing and reacting on button events easier.



This library supports:

  • Push buttons (with or without pullup or inverted logic)
  • On/Off Switches
  • Rotary Encoders
  • The Lameboy :D
  • Any Analog input (i.e. ButtonMatrix)
  • Analog-Stick
  • PlayStation2 Gamepad
  • I2C Encoder

You can not only read out the current state of the button, but also if it's:

  • pushed
  • released
  • clicked
  • double clicked
  • holding

It also works with buttons that are connected to a PCF8574, PCF8575 or MCP23017 GPIO expander!


  1. Download the source code from GitHub.
  2. Unzip and rename the Folder name to "SimpleButton".
  3. Paste it in your Library folder (Usually located somewhere at documents/Arduino/libraries).
  4. Restart the Arduino IDE.


Also have a look at the examples.

Include the library

#include <SimpleButton.h>

using namespace simplebutton;

Create a button

Push Button Setup

Normal logic: The usual way of connecting a push button as described here.

// creates button on pin 12
Button* b = new Button(12);

Inverted logic: If you got any special kind of button that is HIGH on idle and goes to LOW when it's pressed, you can invert the logic.

// creates inverted button on pin 12
Button* b = new Button(12, true);

Pullup button: This will use the internal resistor and you won't need to add an external one. Also described here.

// creates pullup button on pin 12
Button* b = new ButtonPullup(12);

On/Off Switch Setup

You can use a switch as a button. Whenever you switch it, it will count it as a button click.

// creates switch on pin 12
Button* b = new Switch(12);

Rotary Encoder Setup

// creates a rotary encoder connected to pin 5 and pin 4 and switch connected pin 3 (set switch to 255 to disable it)
RotaryEncoder* myEncoder = new RotaryEncoder(5, 4, 3);

// rotary encoder connected to the PCF on pin 2 and pin 3
RotaryEncoder* myEncoder = new RotaryEncoder(exp, 2, 3, 255);

// I2C encoder at address 0x30
RotaryEncoderI2C* myEncoder = new RotaryEncoderI2C(0x30);

// in case you have a rotary encoder that does 2 steps with each turn:
// (default is 1 step per turn)

// set a start position for the counter

// set a minimum value threshold

// set a maximum value threshold

// invert the directions

// enable looping (when the counter goes below the minimum it will be set to the maximum and vice versa)

// ===== for the I2C encoder only =====

// enables a interrupt pin at gpio 12 with pullup enabled (true)
myEncoder->enableInterrupt(12, true);

// enables the dual-color led

// set LED-A to 255 (on) and LED-B to 0 (off)
myEncoder->setLed(255, 0);

//  !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!
// to enable all our config changes

Analog Button Setup

// create an analog button on pin A0 that is pushed when it reads a value between 0 and 20
ButtonAnalog* b = ButtonAnalog(A0, 0, 20);

Analog Stick Setup

// creates an analog stick that has X connected to A0, Y connected to A1 and the switch connected to pin 5
// (set switch to 255 to disable it)
AnalogStick* analogStick = new AnalogStick(A0, A1, 5);

// set the logic to read values from 0 to 1024 with 25% tolerance
analogStick->setLogic(1024, 25);

// set the logic to read values from 0 to 256 with 25% tolerance
analogStick->setLogic(256, 25);

PlayStation2 Gamepad Setup

To learn more about the wiring, protocol and usage of the PlayStation2 controller, please have a look here. It doesn't really matter (on most Arduino's) what pins you use to connect the controller.

// create the gamepad
PS2Gamepad* gamepad = new PS2Gamepad();

// connect to it

// check for errros
bool isConnected = gamepad->connected();
String errorMessage = gamepad->getError();

GPIO Expander Setup

// start i2c

// 0x20 = i2c address (use a i2c scanner sketch to find the right address)
// create a PCF8574
GPIOExpander* exp = new PCF8574(0x20);
// create a PCF8575
GPIOExpander* exp = new PCF8575(0x20);
// create a MCP23017
GPIOExpander* exp = new MCP23017(0x20);

// creates a push button connected to the PCF on pin 0
Button* b = new ButtonGPIOExpander(exp, 0);

// creates a pullup button connected to the PCF on pin 1
Button* b = new ButtonPullupGPIOExpander(exp, 1);

// rotary encoder connected to the PCF on pin 2 and pin 3
RotaryEncoder* myEncoder = new RotaryEncoder(exp, 2, 3, 255);

// check for errors
bool isConnected = exp->connected();
String errorMessage = exp->getError();

Read out status

b is a pointer to a created button (see above).

Button status

Important status methods a Button object has:

bool pushed();
bool released();
bool clicked();
bool clicked(uint32_t minPushTime);
bool clicked(uint32_t minPushTime, uint32_t minReleaseTime);
bool doubleClicked();
bool doubleClicked(uint32_t minPushTime);
bool doubleClicked(uint32_t minPushTime, uint32_t timeSpan);
bool doubleClicked(uint32_t minPushTime, uint32_t minReleaseTime, uint32_t timeSpan);
bool holding();
bool holding(uint32_t interval);

Example usage:

// first update the button

// react on double click
if(b->doubleClicked()){ ... }

// with minimum push time in ms (default = 40)
if(b->doubleClicked(uint32_t minPushTime)) { ... }

// with minimum push time in a given time span in ms (default = 650)
if(b->doubleClicked(uint32_t minPushTime, uint32_t timeSpan)) { ... }

// react on a click		
if(b->clicked()){ ...}

// with a minimum push time in ms (default = 40)
if(b->clicked(uint32_t minPushTime)) { ... }

// if button is beeing hold
if(b->holding()){ ... }

// with custom time interval in ms (default = 250)
if(b->holding(uint32_t interval)){ ... };

// when the button is beeing pushed
if(b->pushed()) { ... }

// when the button is released
if(b->released()) { ... }

// you can also read the button state out directly
bool currentButtonState = b->getState();

// read out the analog value
uint8_t value = analogButton->getValue();

Rotary Encoder status

These are the Buttons a RotaryEncoder object has:

Button* button;
Button* clockwise;
Button* anticlockwise;

Example usage:

// update the encoder

// read out the position counter
int position = myEncoder->getPos();

// if rotary encoder switch was pushed
bool clicked = myEncoder->clicked();
// here using the Button object
bool clicked = myEncoder->button->clicked();

// read out the directions
bool incremented = myEncoder->incremented();
bool decremented = myEncoder->decremented();

// read out the directions using the Button objects
bool incremented = myEncoder->clockwise->clicked();
bool decremented = myEncoder->anticlockwise->clicked();

// read out if the counter hit a threshold
bool hitMinValue = myEncoder->minVal();
bool hitMaxValue = myEncoder->maxVal();

// ==== for I2C encoder only =====

// read out if interrupt pin changed (will always be true if disabled)
bool interrupt = myEncoder->interrupt();

// if the interrupt pin is enabled, you can also use the update function
// to see if something changed
bool changed = myEncoder->update();

Analog Stick status

These are the Buttons a AnalogStick object has:

Button* button;
ButtonAnalog* up;
ButtonAnalog* down;
ButtonAnalog* left;
ButtonAnalog* right;

Example usage:

// read out the values
uint8_t x = analogStick->left->getValue();
uint8_t y = analogStick->up->getValue();

// access the switch button (if you added one)
if (analogStick->button->clicked()) Serial.println("clicked");

// react on any direction
if (analogStick->left->holding()) Serial.println("left holding");
if (analogStick->right->holding()) Serial.println("right holding");
if (analogStick->up->holding()) Serial.println("up holding");
if (analogStick->down->holding()) Serial.println("down holding");

PlayStation2 Gamepad status

These are the Buttons a PS2Gamepad object has:

ButtonAnalog* up;
ButtonAnalog* down;
ButtonAnalog* left;
ButtonAnalog* right;

ButtonAnalog* l1;
ButtonAnalog* l2;
ButtonAnalog* r1;
ButtonAnalog* r2;

ButtonAnalog* square;
ButtonAnalog* triangle;
ButtonAnalog* x;
ButtonAnalog* circle;

Button* select;
Button* start;

AnalogStick* analogLeft;
AnalogStick* analogRight;

Example usage:

// getting the analog-stick values
uint8_t left_x = gamepad->analogLeft->left->getValue();
uint8_t left_y = gamepad->analogLeft->up->getValue();

uint8_t right_x = gamepad->analogRight->left->getValue();
uint8_t right_y = gamepad->analogRight->up->getValue();

// d-pad
if (gamepad->up->clicked()) Serial.println("up clicked");
if (gamepad->down->holding()) Serial.println("down clicked");
if (gamepad->left->clicked()) Serial.println("left clicked");
if (gamepad->right->clicked()) Serial.println("right clicked");

// L and R Buttons
if (gamepad->l1->clicked()) Serial.println("L1 clicked");
if (gamepad->l2->clicked()) Serial.println("L2 clicked");
if (gamepad->r1->clicked()) Serial.println("R1 clicked");
if (gamepad->r2->clicked()) Serial.println("R2 clicked");

// start & select
if (gamepad->select->clicked()) Serial.println("Select clicked");
if (gamepad->start->clicked()) Serial.println("Start clicked");

// triangle, circle, cross, square
if (gamepad->square->clicked()) Serial.println("Square clicked");
if (gamepad->triangle->clicked()) Serial.println("Triangle clicked");
if (gamepad->cross->clicked()) Serial.println("Cross clicked");
if (gamepad->circle->clicked()) Serial.println("Circle clicked");

// left analog stick
if (gamepad->analogLeft->button->clicked()) Serial.println("Stick-Left clicked");

if (gamepad->analogLeft->up->holding()) Serial.println("Stick-Left up");
if (gamepad->analogLeft->down->holding()) Serial.println("Stick-Left down");
if (gamepad->analogLeft->left->holding()) Serial.println("Stick-Left left");
if (gamepad->analogLeft->right->holding()) Serial.println("Stick-Left right");

// right analog stick
if (gamepad->analogRight->button->clicked()) Serial.println("Stick-Right clicked");

if (gamepad->analogRight->up->holding()) Serial.println("Stick-Right up");
if (gamepad->analogRight->down->holding()) Serial.println("Stick-Right down");
if (gamepad->analogRight->left->holding()) Serial.println("Stick-Right left");
if (gamepad->analogRight->right->holding()) Serial.println("Stick-Right right");

Use events

Each button can have multiple events, you can add them with following methods:

void setOnPushed(void (* fnct)());

void setOnReleased(void (* fnct)());

void setOnClicked(void (* fnct)());
void setOnClicked(void (* fnct)(), uint32_t minPushTime);
void setOnClicked(void (* fnct)(), uint32_t minPushTime, uint32_t minReleaseTime);

void setOnDoubleClicked(void (* fnct)());
void setOnDoubleClicked(void (* fnct)(), uint32_t minPushTime);
void setOnDoubleClicked(void (* fnct)(), uint32_t minPushTime, uint32_t timeSpan);
void setOnDoubleClicked(void (* fnct)(), uint32_t minPushTime, uint32_t minReleaseTime, uint32_t timeSpan);

void setOnHolding(void (* fnct)());
void setOnHolding(void (* fnct)(), uint32_t interval);

Here's an example:

  Serial.println("Button clicked!");

  Serial.println("Moved clockwise");


  Serial.println("Double clicked UP button");


This software is licensed under the MIT License. See the license file for details.