


A display built using an RGB Matrix panel to display the live album art of what song is currently playing. Can also change what is being played using NFC tags

WIP project

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Dependant Libraries

The following libraries need to be installed for this sketch to work:

Library Name/Link Purpose Library manager
ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA For controlling the LED Matrix Yes ("ESP32 MATRIX DMA")
Adafruit GFX library Dependancy of the Matrix library Yes ("Adafruit GFX")
SpotifyArduino For interacting with Spotify API No
ArduinoJson Dependancy of the Spotify library Yes ("Arduino Json")
NfcAdapter For NFC device (this is a modified version) No
JPEGDEC Library for decoding Jpegs for Album Art Yes ("JPEGDEC")

Hardware Required

I designed the project with the ESP32 Trinity in mind, but it does work with any ESP32 that breaks out enough pins.

The display it uses is a 64x64 HUB75 Matrix Panel.

The NFC part makes use of a PN532 Module (in SPI mode)

All the parts can be purchased from