
std C++ 11 library impementation with extra features using only C++ 98 and POSIX threads

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C++ 11 standard library implementation with extra features using C++98 only and POSIX threads. Minimum ugly preprocessor macro and no configuration files. The library itself is built on top of C++ standard library distributed with your compiler and just extends it with C++11 features.

Usage examples on Wiki

Supported platforms

  • Windows (from XP to 10)
  • Unix (any with glibc and pthread)
  • MacOS (any)
  • QNX 6.x.x
  • QNX 4 (partly)

Wiki for more details.

Q: Why not Boost?


  1. Because I can.
  2. Because I need something without such overhead and ugliness (ugliness and beauty actually, I am really amazed by how Boost handles some features of C++).
  3. Because I want all of basic little helpful classes and tricks (as countof f.e.) be in one place with power of C++ 11 threads handling and template-programming.

Language core

  • nullptr and stdex::nullptr_t
  • static_assert or STATIC_ASSERT macro
  • stdex_char16_t and stdex_char32_t (as equivalent to char16_t, char32_t)
  • stdex_noexcept (as partial equivalent to noexcept)
  • stdex_assert macro (as equivalent to cassert macro)
  • move semantic is in progress

Utilities library

name purpose implemented is final
<typeindex> stdex::type_index 100% maybe
<type_traits> Compile-time type information 70% no
<functional> Function objects, Function invocations, Bind operations and Reference wrappers no no
<chrono> C++ time utilities 100% yes
<initializer_list> stdex::initializer_list class template no and never yes
<tuple> stdex::tuple class template no no

Dynamic memory management

name purpose implemented is final
<scoped_allocator> Nested allocator class no maybe

Numeric limits

name purpose implemented is final
<cstdint> fixed-size types and limits of other types 99% maybe
<cinttypes> formatting macros, intmax_t and uintmax_t math and conversions no maybe

Error handling

name purpose implemented is final
<system_error> defines stdex::error_code, a platform-dependent error code 100% yes

Strings library

name purpose implemented is final
<cuchar> C-style Unicode character conversion functions no maybe
<string> stdex::basic_string, stdex::stoi, stdex::to_string etc. 50% no

Containers library

name purpose implemented is final
<array> stdex::array container no maybe
<forward_list> stdex::forward_list container no maybe
<unordered_set> unordered associative set containers no maybe
<unordered_map> unordered associative map containers no maybe

Iterators library

name purpose implemented is final
<iterator> Range iterators 100% yes

Algorithms library

name purpose implemented is final
<algorithm> Algorithms that operate on ranges 100% yes

Numerics library

name purpose implemented is final
<random> Random number generators and distributions no maybe
<ratio> Compile-time rational arithmetic 99% maybe
<cfenv> Floating-point environment access functions no maybe

Input/output library

name purpose implemented is final
<sstream> stdex::basic_stringstream, stdex::basic_istringstream, stdex::basic_ostringstream class templates and several typedefs 30% maybe

Regular Expressions library

name purpose implemented is final
<regex> Classes, algorithms and iterators to support regular expression processing no maybe

Atomic Operations library

name purpose implemented is final
<atomic> Atomic operations library no no

Thread support library

name purpose implemented is final
<thread> stdex::thread class and supporting functions 90% no
<mutex> mutual exclusion primitives 90% no
<future> primitives for asynchronous computations no maybe
<condition_variable> thread waiting conditions 100% yes

Not all features of C++ 11 can be implemented without compiler support so I have no plans to include such features in the library.

The library is portable for any compiler that supports C++98 but as we all know there are lots of different implementations of std library in even major compilers so this library is tested with:

  • Borland C++ Builder 6.0 Updt4;
  • qcc (just a wrapper over gcc in QNX)
  • g++ 3.4, 4.4.2, 4.4, 4.6;
  • g++ 4.8, 4.9, 5.0 with c++98 option;
  • clang 3.5, 5.0 with c++98 option;
  • clang-900.0.37 with c++98 option (Mac OS);
  • Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017;

...and that's it. If you use other compilers and decide to include this library in your project there is no guarantee that it will compile without errors. In case you will be able to fix the errors without breaking existing code for already supported compilers I would really appreciate your pull requests.

For the C++ threads (mutexes, threads) I'm using POSIX threads implementation. There is one for Windows platform and definitely should be one for every POSIX-friendly platform.

The library is in development so no backward compatibility guaranteed with previous versions of stdex. But one thing for sure: it will be more and more standard in the way of std library for C++ 11.

how to build

Build process is simple:

  • For Unix - either run a script (works with g++ and clang if environment variable $COMPILER is set to compiler name, f.e. to clang++-3.5) or build by yourself static library from stdex/src directory sources.
  • For Windows
    • run a build_lib.bat script that works with Visual Studio's cl if environment variables are set by v{s/c}vars{32/64/all}.bat (vcvars32.bat, vsvars32.bat etc.) script that is in your Visual Studio distributive;
    • run a build_lib_bcc32.bat script for Borland C++ Builder 6.0 Updt4 bcc32 build;
    • ...or build by yourself the static library from stdex/src and pthreads-win32 directories sources.
  • For QNX 6.x.x - either run a (using qcc compiler) or build by yourself the static library from stdex/src directory sources (do not forget to link with stdlib library).
  • For Mac OS - either run a script (works with clang if environment variable $COMPILER is set to compiler name, f.e. to clang++-3.5) or build by yourself static library from stdex/src directory sources.

how to include in your project

In your project:

  1. include sources of the library or link with prebuild static library (.a/.lib file, f.e. libstdex.a/stdex.lib)

  2. link with system libraries for POSIX-threads and real-time clocks:

    • librt.lib and libpthread.lib for UNIX;
    • POSIX-threads lib for Windows (if you have built stdex static library with pthreads-win32 sources then you have no need to link with pthreads anymore - it's already in stdex.lib);
    • m.lib for QNX 6.x.x;
    • libpthread.lib for Mac OS;
  3. enjoy

example script build for Ubuntu (with g++ installed):

$COMPILER main.cpp -L./stdex/lib/ -lstdex -lrt -lpthread -o "./bin/main"

example script build for Windows (with Visual Studio 2008 and Windows Kit 8.1 installed):

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
set LIB=%LIB%C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Lib\winv6.3\um\x86\;
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%cd%\pthread;
cl -EHsc -Fo.\obj\main.obj -c ".\main.cpp"
cl .\obj\main.obj stdex.lib -Fe.\bin\main.exe -link -LIBPATH:.\stdex\lib

example script build for Windows (with Borland C++ Builder 6.0 Updt4):

bcc32 -w-inl -w-ccc -tWM -Q -n.\obj\ -I%cd%\pthread\ -c ".\main.cpp"
bcc32 -w-inl -w-ccc -tWM -Q -L.\stdex\lib\ -lap -I%cd%\pthread\ -e.\bin\main.exe stdex.lib cw32mt.lib .\obj\main.obj

example script build for QNX 6.x.x (with qcc installed):

$COMPILER main.cpp -L./stdex/lib/ -lstdex -lm -o "./bin/main"

example script build for Mac OS (with clang installed):

$COMPILER main.cpp -L./stdex/lib/ -lstdex -lpthread -o "./bin/main"

visit for the latest version of stdex library

Extracted from project README's
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