
Modified version of rpg_svo(commit d616106 on May 9, 2017) which implement a Semi-direct Monocular Visual Odometry pipeline



Modified version of rpg_svo(commit d616106 on May 9, 2017) which implement a Semi-direct Monocular Visual Odometry pipeline



  • Boost - C++ Librairies (thread and system are needed)

  • Eigen 3 - Linear algebra

  • OpenCV - Computer vision library for loading and displaying images

  • Sophus - Lie groups

    • recommend version: commit id a621ff
  • Fast - Corner Detector

  • g2o - General Graph Optimization OPTIONAL

    • recommend version: commit id ff647bd (ff647bd7537860a2b53b3b774ea821a3170feb13)
      export G2O_ROOT=$HOME/installdir
  • rpg_vikit (git submodule)


git clone --recursive

# or
git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update


with ROS

  • catkin_make or catkin build

without ROS

  • build vikit_common

    cd 3rdParty/rpg_vikit/vikit_common
    gedit CMakeLists.txt # SET(USE_ROS FALSE)
    mkdir build & cd build
    cmake .. & make -j3
    sudo make install
  • build svo

    mkdir build & cd build
    cmake -DUSE_ROS=FALSE .. & make -j3


with ROS

  • on a Dataset (airground_rig_s3_2013-03-18_21-38-48.bag)
    roslaunch svo_ros test_rig3.launch [rviz:=true]
    rosbag play airground_rig_s3_2013-03-18_21-38-48.bag
  • on a live camera stream (eg. RealSense ZR300 fisheye camera)
    # 1. calibrate your camera and modify `svo_ros/param/camera_atan_zr300.yaml`
    # 2. run
    roslaunch svo_ros realsense_zr300.launch  [rviz:=true]

without ROS

  • on a Dataset (sin2_tex2_h1_v8_d.tar.gz)
    export SVO_DATASET_DIR=${HOME}/Datasets  # .bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
    [tsocks] wget -O - | tar -xz
    cd svo
    mkdir build & cd build
    cmake .. & make

Camera Calibration

Supported Camera Model

  • ATAN model (preference)
    • which is also used by PTAM and uses the FOV distortion model
    • calibration tool: PTAM Calibration
  • Pinhole model
  • Ocam model (by Davide Scaramuzza)
    • model cameras with high field of view or even omnidirectional cameras
    • calibration tool: OCamCalib toolbox

Import Calib Params

use the python scripts in scripts directory



  • px - Pixel coordinate (u,v)
  • f - Bearing vector of unit length (x,y,z)
  • T_f_w - Rigid body transformation from world frame w to camera frame f
  • transforms a point in world coordinates p_w to a point in frame coordinates p_f as follows
    p_f = T_f_w * p_w
  • camera position in world coordinates must be obtained by inversion
    pos = T_f_w.inverse().translation()

Obtaining Best Performance

In order to obtain the same performance as shown in the videos, consider the following:

  • Use a global shutter camera (we use a grayscale matrix-vision bluefox camera, WVGA resolution).
  • Set the framerate of the camera as high as possible (we use 70fps).
  • Depending on your camera driver it might be better to manually fix the shutter speed and gain to avoid flickering.
  • Use a lens with large field of view (we have approx. 110 deg).
  • Calibrate the camera with the ATAN model and make sure you have a very low reprojection error (~0.1px).
  • For higher robustness, you can increase the number of tracked features by setting the parameter svo/max_fts to 180.
  • Avoid motions of pure rotation.
  • The keyframe selection is currently designed for downlooking cameras. Forward motions are not performing well at the moment.


  • Forward motions
    • The current keyframe selection criterion is designed for downward looking cameras. This is one reason why SVO does not work well for forward motions (e.g., to be used on a car).
  • Image resolution
    • The current parameters are tuned for WVGA resolution. If you use a higher resolution camera, then the pyramid levels should be increased as well as the reprojection error thresholds.


  author = {Forster, Christian and Pizzoli, Matia and Scaramuzza, Davide},
  title = {{SVO}: Fast Semi-Direct Monocular Visual Odometry},
  booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
  year = {2014}

SVO 2.0

SVO 2.0: Fast Semi-Direct Visual Odometry for Monocular, Wide Angle, and Multi-camera Systems.

SVO 2.0 (IEEE TRO'17) extends the original SVO implementation (ICRA' 14) with the addition of edgletes, IMU prior, wide angle cameras (fisheye and catadioptric), multi-camera configurations, and forward looking camera motion.