
SimpleWindow GUI Framework

MIT License



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sw, short for SimpleWindow, is a C++ GUI framework for building Windows desktop applications. It provides object-oriented encapsulation of Windows standard controls and is suitable for creating simple desktop applications.


  • Based on Windows API:
    SimpleWindow is a framework based on the Windows API with no additional dependencies.
  • Supports Properties:
    It implements property syntax similar to C#, allowing for intuitive access and modification of object properties.
  • High DPI Support:
    Native support for high DPI using DIP (Device Independent Pixels) as the default unit of measurement.
  • Flexible Layout:
    Implements a layout system similar to WPF, supporting various layouts such as GridLayout, StackLayout, DockLayout, and more.
  • Routed Events:
    Adopts a routed event mechanism, where events can bubble up from the source control to propagate upwards. Event handlers can be registered on controls at different levels.

Quick Start

Here is a SimpleWindow HelloWorld program. For more examples, see here.

#include "SimpleWindow.h"

int wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, INT nCmdShow)
    // Window object
    sw::Window mainWindow;

    // Button object
    sw::Button button;

    // Modify the window layout to center the button

    // Modify the button text by assigning a value to the Text property
    button.Text = L"Click Me";

    // Register a button click event handler to show a message box when the button is clicked
        [](sw::UIElement& sender, sw::RoutedEventArgs& e) {
            sw::MsgBox::Show(L"Hello, SimpleWindow!");


    // Start the message loop
    return sw::App::MsgLoop();


For detailed documentation on SimpleWindow, please visit mzying2001.github.io/sw.


The SimpleWindow framework is released under the MIT license, allowing you to freely use and modify it in your own projects.


Contributors are welcome to participate in the development and improvement of SimpleWindow. If you find bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please raise an issue or submit a pull request.

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