
C Implementation of draft-ietf-teep-protocol

MIT License



C Implementation of draft-ietf-teep-protocol and draft-ietf-teep-otrp-over-http.

The directories are organized as follows.

Directories to make external libraries compile into static libs usable in a Trusted Application (TA), with actual files under the directories of the same names under the external/ directory:

  • ctoken: EAT implementation.

  • LibEay32: OpenSSL's crypto library.

  • openssl_includes: Copies OpenSSL includes into the openssl directory where other libs can find them.

  • qcbor: CBOR implementation.

  • t_cose: COSE implementation.


  • protocol/TeepAgentBrokerLib: TEEP Agent Broker in a static lib.

  • protocol/TeepAgentLib: TEEP Agent in a static lib.

  • protocol/TeepCommonLib: TEEP common static lib used by TeepAgentLib and TeepTamLib.

  • protocol/TeepTamBrokerLib: TEEP TAM Broker in a static lib.

  • protocol/TeepTamLib: TEEP TAM in a static lib.

  • protocol/WindowsHttpClientLib: HTTP client module for Windows.

  • protocol/WindowsHttpServerLib: HTTP server module for Windows.


  • ta/TeepAgentTABrokerLib: Static lib containing a TEEP Agent Broker for communicating with TeepAgentTA.

  • ta/TeepAgentTA: TA containing a TEEP Agent.

  • ta/TeepCommonTALib: Static lib with TEEP trusted code that is needed by both TeepAgentTA and TeepTamTA.

  • ta/TeepTamTABrokerLib: Static lib containing a TEEP TAM Broker for communicating with TeepTamTA.

  • ta/TeepTamTA: TA containing a TEEP TAM.


  • tam/manifests: Repository of SUIT manifest files for Trusted Components. This
    directory is read by the TeepTamBrokerLib and used to populate the TAM's
    repository of manifests. A sample SUIT manifest is included by default.
    The files must be named as <UUID>.cbor where UUID is the TA ID.
    The project at https://gitlab.arm.com/research/ietf-suit/suit-tool
    can be used to generate SUIT manifest files.


  • DeviceHost: Sample host app to run a TEEP Agent Broker.

  • TamHost: Sample host app to run a TEEP TAM Broker.

  • TeepUnitTest: Standalone unit tests to test the TEEP implementation.


You must git clone this repository recursively:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/dthaler/teep.git

You must have the following installed to compile and debug:

The TAM is currently written to run on Windows, due to the HTTP layer. However, the TeepAgentBrokerLib/HttpHelper.h API should already be platform-agnostic and one could replace the Windows HttpHelper.cpp with a different implementation for other platforms.

You must also have OpenSSL 3.0.7 or later installed to %ProgramW6432%\OpenSSL. You can do this either by running a pre-built installer such as the one from https://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Components-Libraries/OpenSSL.shtml or by building it yourself as follows:

  • cd external\openssl
  • mkdir _build
  • perl ..\Configure VC-WIN64A
  • perl configdata.pm --dump
  • nmake
  • nmake install

Running the code

Compiling on Windows will result in generating DeviceHost.exe and TamHost.exe.

DeviceHost.exe is run as follows:

Usage: DeviceHost [-s] [-r <TA ID>] [-u <TA ID>] <TAM URI>
       where -s if present means to only simulate a TEE
             -r <TA ID> if present is a TA ID to request (38b08738-227d-4f6a-b1f0-b208bc02a781 if none specified)
             -u <TA ID> if present is a TA ID that is no longer needed by any normal app
             <TAM URI> is the default TAM URI to use

The <TA ID> to request ought to be one of the SUIT manifests configured on the TAM as noted above in the description of the manifests directory.

TamHost.exe is run as follows, but must be run as Administrator in order to register the URI to listen on:

Usage: TamHost [-s] <TAM URI>
       where -s if present means to only simulate a TEE
             <TAM URI> is the TAM URI to use, e.g.,

Currently the <TAM URI> must end in /TEEP


Before the TAM and the TEEP Agent can fully communicate, they must be configured to trust each other. The trusted directory under tam and agent contain a set of .pem files of public keys that that entity considers trusted.

This can be done as follows:

  • The first time that TamHost is run it will generate tam-public-key.pem and tam-private-key-pair.pem
    under the tam directory.
  • The first time that DeviceHost is run it will generate agent-public-key.pem and agent-private-key-pair.pem
    under the agent directory.
  • Copy tam/tam-public-key.pem to agent/trusted/tam-public-key.pem.
  • Copy agent/agent-public-key.pem to tam/trusted/agent-public-key.pem.
  • Restart the TamHost and DeviceHost.


The following configurations should work:

  • DebugStandalone | x64 - Use this to test/run as a normal application
    outside any TEE, for development and debugging purposes.
  • Debug | x64 - Use this to test/run on an SGX-capable machine
    or with the -s option to run on a non-SGX-capable machine
    but simulating run inside SGX.

To run and debug inside Visual Studio, change the debugger Working Directory to $(OutDir). To do this, right click on the project, and change Properties -> Debugging -> Working Directory and change the value to $(OutDir) instead of $(ProjectDir). This is because the apps will attempt to load the enclaves from the current directory.